
2025届高考英语二轮复习专题练: 阅读理解(牛津译林版)(含解析,共16份)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:68次 大小:292414Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2025届高考英语牛津译林版一轮复习专题练: 阅读理解 (10) 一、阅读理解 Ancient Chinese poetry was the heart and soul of ancient Chinese literature. Poems and songs have been the means of entertainment for men from the earliest times onwards. Records of ancient Chinese poetry have largely been found, from which a large amount of knowledge of ancient poetry of China can be obtained. Ancient Chinese poetry was primarily written to be chanted(吟诵) or sung. The poetic persona(表面形象)is a feature of classical Chinese poetry. The persona appears when the poem is written from the viewpoint of some other person. Some poems are comments on the contemporary society and life. Images and symbolism are deeply associated with ancient Chinese poetry. Ancient Chinese poems, although apparently simple in the first reading, have deeper and greater meanings when read intensively. The earliest ancient Chinese poetry begins with The Book of Songs which is a collection of 305poems. It is the first comprehensive compilation(合集) of ancient Chinese poems. Each poem in The Book of Songs was set to music and could be sung. Folk songs make up the most part of the book. Confucius, the great ancient philosopher, was fond of this book. It is also the accepted textbook of the Confucian school. The history of Chinese poetry is extremely long and colorful. The Tang Dynasty, the golden age of ancient Chinese poetry, produced many famous poems. Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty, was compiled(编纂) by Heng Tang Tui Shi of the Qing Dynasty. This has been used for very many years to teach primary students. Almost everything is the subject of ancient Chinese poetry, including marriage, agriculture, courtship(求爱), sorrows and joys, romance, heroic deeds and so on. Generally, each poem is usually composed of lines of four, five or seven syllables. Translations of ancient Chinese poems are available in books and also online. Now these beautiful poems have fascinated readers all over the world. 1.What's the earliest Chinese poetry intended to do A.To record history. B.To entertain people. C.To spread knowledge. D.To state people's thoughts. 2.Which can describe the obvious characteristics of ancient Chinese poetry according to the text A.Modern and symbolic. B.Imaginative and unreal. C.Difficult but figurative. D.Simple but meaningful. 3.What can we learn about The Book of Songs from the text A.It includes many folk songs. B.It was compiled by Heng Tang Tui Shi. C.It was the textbook for kids during Confucius's childhood. D.It was produced during the golden age of ancient Chinese poetry. 4.What can we infer from the last paragraph A.Ancient Chinese poetry has limited subjects. B.Every ancient Chinese poem is made up of four lines. C.Ancient Chinese poems win popularity overseas. D.Something in ancient Chinese poems is lost in translation. Of all the American blockbusters, some popular movies are rolled out for the teenagers. With the preparation of popcorn, you can choose one ... ...

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