
2025届高考英语专项复习 读后续写解题策略(素材)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:69次 大小:23949Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高考英语读后续写解题策略 一、读后续写基本原则 1.Problem/Conflict →_____ 2.Negative →_____ 3.Foreshadow 伏笔→_____ 4.Action →_____ 二、如何读? 1. What: (1) 故事背景: (2) 故事人物: (3) 故事情节: 2. Why: 3. How: 三、如何续? Para.1 : 段首句 Para.2: 段首句 四、评价标准 第五档 (21-25) 1. 与所给短文融合度高,与所提供各段落开头语衔接合理,内容完整、丰富,逻辑合理; 2. 所使用语法结构和词汇丰富、准确,语言错误很少,且完全不影响意义表达; 3. 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使续写短文结构清晰、紧凑,意义连贯。 注意:字数少于120的、书写较差的会酌情扣分! 解题思路及素材 读后续写解题步骤(25分): 一,任务型阅读(在阅读文章时回答Who/What/when/where/why/how) 二,阅读所给两个段落开头,每一段列出5-8续写内容相关动词(注意第一段与第二段动作衔接性) 三,简单句→复合句(升级句式法) 英语简单句语序: 主语+谓语(动作)+宾语+方式+地点+时间 例1:Lihua studied English carefully at school yesterday. 例2:Asad returned the wallet immediately in the class after school. 升级句式方法: ①使用非谓语动词法(to do,doing) 例1:To improve himself,Lihua studied English carefully at school yesterday. (-to do表目的) 例2:Remembering mother`s words,Asad returned the wallet immediately in the class after school.(-ing表主动) ②加介词短语法(with/without+情感) 例1:With patience,Lihua studied English carefully at school yesterday. 例2:Without any hesitation,Asad returned the wallet immediately in the class after school. (常用:With +happiness/love/sadness/excitement/anger/patience 带着...) with/ in great surprise/ amazement / sorrow / sadness/joy/delight without saying /uttering a word(介词短语修饰) excitedly/carefully/happily/sadly(副词修饰) ③使用定语从句法(which,who,whose等) 例1:Lihua studied English carefully ,which is her favorite subject. 例2:Asad returned the wallet to Fahad,who was surprised by his action. 续写词汇与句子积累 一、必备动作词汇(简单→高级) ①“说” : tell sth to sb immediately/at once talk with sb about sth whisper sth to sb in a low/deep voice say sth 说 add补充说 continue接着说 apologize to sb 向某人道歉 persuade sb to do 劝说 remind sb of sth 提醒,使想起 ②“看”: look at sb/sth immediately/at once see sb/sth doing sth glance at sb/sth glance around 环视四周 glare at sb 怒目而视 with annoyed expression lose sight of看不见 catch sight of 看见 ③“叫喊”: cry out loudly 大声地喊叫 shout/yell at sb大声说;喊叫 let out a scream 发出一声尖叫 ④“行走”: walk/run/wander 走/跑/慢步 enter/step into sp 走进 slip into /out of the room 悄悄溜进,溜出 head for sp前往+地点 rush to sp 匆忙向.. rush out like arrows健步如飞 例:动作+ with joy/delight/excitement 高兴地/兴奋地 ⑤“哭”: cry sadly/bitterly 伤心地哭 burst out crying 突然哭 with tears rolling/streaming down one`s face/cheeks 掉下眼泪 weep tears of+ joy/happiness/regret/sadness 喜极而泣/遗憾地哭泣/伤心地哭泣 try one`s best to fight back tears ,but in vain.抑制住泪水,但是未能做到 ⑥“笑”: smile to sb kindly/gently burst out laughing 突然笑起 let out a scream 发出一声尖叫 wear a broad/ ... ...

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