
2025届高中英语二轮复习专项练习:第一部分(语法练 话题练) 第16练 定语从句(1)+主要国家地理概况(含“周末”)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:98次 大小:96334Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第16练 定语从句(1)+主要国家地理概况 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.The man is walking on the playground with a graceful lady is my old friend. 2.This was returned because the person to this letter was addressed had died three years ago. 3.The professor is going to talk about the countries and people he has visited. 4.To help improve students’ reading and writing skills,we will organize an English composition contest, theme is “Colorful Campus Life”. 5.In my opinion,the way he recommended to us makes sense and will be helpful to us. 6.You should apologize to your father for the way you spoke to him. 7. is shown in the pie chart,30% students tend to read books after class. 8.I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week, my classmates recommended to me. 9.The prize will go to the writer story shows the most brilliant imagination. 10.He is the only one of the students is able to answer the question. Ⅱ.短文语法填空 1. is known to us all,deep below the ocean’s surface is a mysterious world 2. takes up 95% of Earth’s living space.Some people know the reason 3. the deep sea remains largely unexplored,while others don’t.Dive down 650 feet,you will notice that light starts fading rapidly.The deeper you dive,the lower the temperature becomes.At 13,000 feet,the temperature stays around freezing point,and there’s no sunlight at all.Yet there is life—an astonishing variety of creatures 4. you’ll never imagine.You can’t dive to the deep ocean on your own,of course.But scientists now have lots of advanced and complicated technologies 5. can be used to explore this vast frontier. Thousands of fascinating animals live in this challenging environment 6. life seems not easy.Many of them look quite strange,some have huge eyes while other animals seem to be all mouth 7. gaping jaws are often filled with sharp teeth. The Census of Marine Life is an international project,8. records the diversity,distribution,and abundance of life in the ocean.The researchers 9. (discover) more than 5,000 new species so far.The data and information 10. are collected by the Census—30 million records and 2,600 papers contributed to the scientific literature—will serve as a baseline in the coming years. Ⅲ.阅读理解 A We drove to the Needles district of Canyonlands National Park—a very remote,dry,mountainous place in Utah.I went there when I was about 10 years old,but I can only recall certain things:how cold it got that night as we slept in the tent,the small insects that covered the mountain beside us,and having to use the bathroom in an outhouse. Huge rocks are hanging dangerously on the jagged mountainside,and you know they have to fall eventually.We stopped at Newspaper Rock,a National Historic Site where prehistoric people sketched drawings onto sandstone from B.C.time to A.D.1300.With only a short fence surrounding it,it seems unavoidable that modernday people would feel the urge to carve their names into this precious historic ... ...

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