
Unit 4 Growing up 基础达标(含答案)---2024-2025学年九年级上册 译林版(2024)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:74次 大小:286255Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 4 Growing up 基础达标 一、单词拼写 1.The next day, Peter went soccer practice with c in his heart. 2.Teenagers often like something that seems (usual). Because they want to look different. 3.The (nation) Day of China has become a 7 -day holiday for people to travel and relax. 4.Later, he became one of (bright) stars in the NBA. 5.The (play) in the Chinese men’s soccer team are paying more attention to their daily training. 6.He looks much (confident) than the other players. 7.Both Julie and her cousin succeeded in (enter) their dream universities. 8.Why not invite Tom (go) swimming with us in the lake 9.What are you going to do when you (毕业) from middle school 10.I believe you will (成功) if you don’t give up. 11.He failed many times, but he didn’t lose (心). 12.They are in a different (联盟) from us. 二、单项选择 13.Wang Yaping is an excellent astronaut. Many people _____ her very much. A.admire B.introduce C.choose D.promise 14.—It’s a _____ that my parents won’t be able to come to my graduation ceremony (毕业典礼). —I am so sorry to hear that. A.deal B.secret C.pity D.case 15.Tom _____ go to bed _____ he finished his homework. A.won’t; until B.didn’t; until C.doesn’t; before D.won’t; before 16.When you finish reading the book, just give it to Kate or Alice, or _____ is interested in it. A.wherever B.whenever C.whatever D.whoever 17.Our teacher is very happy. Because nobody _____ the examination. A.passed B.failed C.succeeded 18.—Why did Tom’s father _____ him —Because he lied to his father and he copied others’ answers during the exam. A.punish B.protect C.admire D.invite 19.Our English teacher is very patient, so he tries to help _____ wants to learn English well. A.whoever B.whenever C.whatever 20.I don’t like the _____ of the handbag. Please show me another one. A.influence B.guard C.score D.style 21.He was seriously ill, _____ he kept on working. A.and B.although C.but 22.—Will you come to the dinner party —I won’t come until Jenny _____. A.will be invited B.can be invited C.is invited 23.Please check your paper to _____ there are no mistakes. A.make sure B.try out C.find out 24.Zhang Guimei once said. “_____ I’m alive, I will donate (献身) myself to teaching.” A.Even though B.As soon as C.As long as 三、完成句子 25.直到消防员到达火灾现场,大火才被扑灭了。 The fire until the firemen the scene of the fire. 26.令我们惊讶的是,苏炳添通过艰苦努力,在32岁时成为了亚洲飞人。 , Su Bingtian became Asia’s man at the age of 32 . 27.不管世事如何艰难,请别灰心。 No matter how hard your situation is, you had better . 28.令我惊讶的是,132个人死于三月二十一日广西飞机事故中。 , 132 people the plane accident on the 21th of March in Guang Xi. 29.无论你什么时候有困难,欢迎你来找我们。 You come to us . 30.他十六岁时就开始工作了。He began to work 16. 31.I was about to go up to my office. At that time I decided to get a coffee firs ... ...

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