

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:35次 大小:6385766Byte 来源:二一课件通
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毡密★府用前【考试时问:8月31日9:45一11:45】 B.Wurk asa vohnteer.C.Donale foe3 c shelter. 2024年重庆一中高2025届高三上期开学摸底测试 How did the man rect oomn's iea of geting Barbie a boyfrienu A.He screamc以. B.He lzuphed. C.He nadded. 英语试题卷 10.What will the two speakers do in the end Agoo begimming isodor Wever perrenes antil the end is the ne A.Try tu rcach An npreement. 买还试卷共11页。浅满分10分。考试时问20分钟. B.Continue to talk aboul iL 注意事项: C.Tum o Daniel for the decisio. 】.答题前,考生务必待自己的址名、准考证牙风圳写在答题卡上。 听下而一臣对话,回咨第!至13巡 2。作器时。务必将咨案与任器区卡上,写在本试卷及草预筑L尤效, 11.Why is the wamn ying 1o lose weight 3.考试站束后,弟将答愿卡交回。 A.For her marringe. B.For her [riend's wedding. C.For her awn health. 第一部分听力《共两节,满分20分) 12.How is the woman's weight loss plan going 第一节〔共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分) A.It uocsn't work at all. 听下而5段对后.每经对话后有一个小恩,从题中新伦的A,B、C三个达项中选出最挂 B.It isn't going as well ns expected. 法攻,并标在试世的相应也此、听完每风对话后。你都有10秒计的时问来巨答有关小盟和反 C.hisn't heen carried oul yet. 读下一小随.每段对话仅读一遵。 13.What doss the man advise the wnman to do 1.Where are he speakers A.Net to eal much. B.To cercise mors C.To mird what Lo esL A.Ou an airplanc. B.Oa a bus. C.In a shop 听下功一段对话,国客效14有了因. 2.Haw'mmch does the woman finally olr for the blouse 14.Why dees the woman go to see the man A.$54. A.S51. C.548. A.Ta tell him abuu her wurk.B.Toask for b bigher pny. C.To infarm him of her new jnb. 3.Whsl uid te man feel grateful for 15.How is the business nf the comgany A.The leam work C.][is A.Worso tha befotc. B.Asgnod ns hefore. C.Better than before 4.Who cosls the least 16.Which of the following fo the womnan's A.Apianist. B.A guitarist. C.A juxz singer. 人.Fiusocial cces5Te. B.The current eoonomie situatian.C.Comuribution 1o tbe company. 5.Why does the man nay extrn 17.What docs ie woman think of'the man's onfer A.I[e wants to buy the buok.B.He barrwed the book. C.He retumed the bock lale C.Just so-sa. 郭二出〔共5小越:每小盟】分,满分15分》 听下而一段独白,巨咨第8至20些。 听下面5段对后或独白。每段对活或独白后有几个小恩,从图中所始的、B、C三个选项 18.When did the spexker begin to leam Chinese 中选出t佳逃项,并标在试卷的相匠位。听段对话成劲白前,你将有时问阅读各个小盟, A.27yg0. B.7 ycars ago. C.10 years ao. 封小越5秒钟:所完后,各小腿将治出5砂钟的作答时问,每段对活或独白法两为. 19.Which of the following mens fueney in Chinese in the spenker's opinion 听下面一段州话,回答第6.7. A.Reuding newspuper quickly enough. 6.Why does Susan want to live in a smnll town B.Answring tenchers'qucstions in Chinese. C.Ftciuwh using pric C.Talking freely withuut referring to a bext. 7.What has Christopher decided to do before moving 20.What is the spenker miny alking about A.To buy a hause. B.Tofi加dajob. To know the place. A.How une can gain fluency in Chinese. 听下面一段对诉,但答第8至10“. B.Ho I ... ...

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