
人叫俺帮你九年级全册Unit9I like music that I can dance to词汇专项练习(含答案)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:29次 大小:50651Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit9词汇专项练习 写出下列单词中文意思或适当形式 1.My friend Jane is an (澳大利亚人)and she lives in Sydney. 2. Our children have grown up and they have children of their (自己的)。 3. Read the on-screen (歌词)and sing along. 4. I couldn't decide which was the better one of the two movies, but I (更喜欢)the first one. 5. I really like (电子的)music that is loud. 6. Spider-Man is an exciting superhero who always (save) the people in time. 7. Jim always brings a friend who (not be) afraid of these kinds of movies. 8. He enjoys the food that (be) sweet. 9. He prefers groups that ( play) quiet and slow songs. 10.My cousins Linda and Peter like movies that (be) scary. 11. A true friend is a person who (reach) for your hand and touches your heart. 12.--Do you know the man who is (stand) beside your father -Of course. He is my uncle, 13. The photo which (take) by my brother last week is very nice. 14. The young man likes watching documentaries which (make)him feel proud of his motherland. 15.Tea is the leaf of a plant that (grow)widely in China. 16.There is no (不用的)room for your table here. You can put it over there. 17. This dictionary is available in (电子的)form. It's convenient for us. 18. The road is not (平滑的)enough.Please drive carefully. 19.Mr. Zhang is a d .He directed the opening ceremony of the Olympics. 20. Germany admitted the crime in World W Ⅱ. 21.A (对白)is a conversation between two people in a book,film or play. 22. The outgoing girl likes dance, (戏剧) and music. 23. I like to read novels with happy (结尾). 24. My decision on whether it will rain or not. 25. Lucy s her eyes so she wouldn't see it happen. 26. These modern car-free zones are (real) popular and people like shopping there. 27. The little boy (probable) got lost because he was alone and cried all the time. 28. This book mainly tells us how to be a good (play). 29. Everyone thinks he is “a (luck) dog”. 30.Mike had an (usual) experience while traveling in Europe. 31. The girl who (wear) new clothes is my cousin. 32.The man who (come)here every morning was a very good basketball player when he was young. 33. My brother likes the movies that (be) exciting. 34. We all like the dog which (play)with the students over there now. 35. The car which Mr. Wang (buy)last week is very expensive 36. Kelly sat there in silence with an expression of (悲伤) on her face. 37.It's a (遗憾)that you missed the greatest soccer game this year. 38. You should (表扬)your son. After all, he works much harder than before. 39. His actions r his thoughts. 40. Dogs have a very good s of smell, so they are often used to search for injured people under the buildings after earthquakes. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 第一组:have music go noise sing along with 1.Beethoven was one of the greatest in the 19th century. 2. I prefer music that great lyrics. 3. Jenny loves music that she can .She just wants to express her happiness through her voice, 4. I prefer there on foot rather than take a bus. 5. Lisa doesn ... ...

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