

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:50次 大小:307088Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2025届高考英语一轮复习专题练:阅读理解 (5) 一、七选五 1. A good relationship between students and teachers makes the classroom a very inviting place. When you like your teachers, it's easier to pay attention to their explanations and improve your marks. ①____ When your teachers consider you to be a friend, they'll feel more open in class and that will probably influence the classroom in a positive way. Now here are some tips to develop a friendly relationship with your teachers: Ask questions. ②____ Show them that you're interested in their subjects. That will make them notice you. But never ask questions that you already know the answers to. If your teachers realize that you are not asking real questions, they might think that you're not actually trying to learn, but only trying to make an impression. ③____ When you see one of your teachers in the hall, greet him/her and ask if he/she is going to that concert or if he/she has seen that movie. ④____ Some teachers don't like to have friendly relationships with students, but most of them are happy to chat with their students. After a while, they may start to talk with you about non-school subjects in the classroom. The rest is totally up to you; it is very easy to develop a friendly relationship with any of your teachers. If you want to be friends with your teachers, just treat them as friends, but don't forget that no matter how good friends you are, ⑤ ____ A. Talk about non-school subjects. B. Choose the right subjects. C. That way you will show that you consider him/her as a friend. D. If you have any questions about a subject, ask them. E. they will still be your teachers and deserve your respect. F. we should obey whatever they ask and finish our homework on time. G. When you consider your teachers as friends, you'll certainly have more respect for them. 2. So what’s high school really like Is there more work or more pressure Will it be difficult to go from one of the oldest middle school students to one of the youngest high school students ①_____ Here are some tips for high school freshmen(新生). ②_____ There are hundreds of teens experiencing what you are experiencing at this very moment! Although you may feel a series of different things, just remember that there are plenty of high school students feeling the same way. Put those feelings aside and give yourself a big smile! You can make new friends. At the start of high school, a lot of high school students will probably prefer staying around the friends they already know, ③_____ As a result, it is almost impossible to make new friends. They may be too shy. So don’t be afraid to go out and introduce yourself to a new person. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you don’t understand why, ask your teacher immediately! It’s possible that your classmates also don’t get it and want to ask the same question. ④_____ Join a club you like. High school is the time to try new things. ⑤_____ There are so many clubs to choose from, lik ... ...

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