ID: 21285432

人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 3 Fascinating Parks 课件(48张)

日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:90次 大小:12654351B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) buffet (of wind, rain, etc.) to hit something repeatedly and with great force (风、雨等)连续猛击,打来打去 cloth 作“布料”讲时, 是不可数名词; 作某种用途的布, 如“台布;桌布"讲时(如tablecloth, deskcloth) rough seas buffeted the coast Strong/Fierce winds buffeted the ships from time to time, as if to tear them into pieces at any time. 猛烈的风时不时抽打着船只,好像随时要把他们撕成碎片。 边;边缘: Billy sat on the edge of the desk, swinging his legs. Yu Min is a leading scientist at the cutting edge of nuclear technology. on the edge of People seemed to be living on the edge of their nerves. He is on the edge of collapse. 表示“他处于崩溃的边缘”。 刀口;刃;利刃: The knife has no / a sharp edge. 优势 edge 物体的“边缘” 刀等的“边缘” 优于其他事物的“边缘” have / gain an edge on / over 比……占优势;胜过 I can’t beat you at tennis, but I have / gain an edge on you in ping-pong. 在……的边缘(抽象), 濒于,几乎 vi & vt(使)徐徐移动;给……加边 Tim was edging away from the crowd. (翻译) Tim慢慢地从人群中走开。 She edged a little closer to me. 。 1) Tom sat _____, reading a storybook attentively. Tom坐在床沿上,专注地读着故事书。 2) Although the old man was _____, he still fought with the disease bravely. 尽管那位老人身处死亡边缘,却仍然在勇敢地同疾病斗争。 at/on the edge of the bed on the edge of death valley vast a vast audience territory terra- (land 土地) + -ory (表示场所范围) → 领土;领地 ban 词源故事 在欧洲的封建时期,封建领主在自己的领地上拥有许多特权,其中之一便是领主可以发布公告,强制要求领地内所有居民做某事或禁止做某事,如要求居民给领主服兵役、禁止在领主的土地上狩猎、捕鱼等。领主所发布的这种公告就是ban。后来,ban的词义逐渐缩小为“禁止做某事”。 vt 禁止;取缔 (prohibit) 禁止做某事 禁止某人做某事 她被禁止出席会议。 she was banned from attending the meeting. n [C][常用单数]禁止;禁令: ban 反义词: allow / permit ban doing sth ban sb from (doing) sth a ban on sth:对某事的禁令 They are now protected by an international ban on whaling. vt[正式用语][ 常用于被动语态]禁止 (ban ): Smoking is prohibited. 2008 江苏 prohibit sb from doing sth: Visitors are prohibited from feeding the animals. prohibition n [U] 禁止;[C] 禁令 prohibit 动词 + from 结构的词有:ban, shelter,prevent, rescue, keep, protect 等 prohibit:pro- (forth 前) + hibit (hold 持、握) → 预先把持住 → 禁止 boundary bound (束缚) + -ary (名词后缀) national ~ cottage visible vis (see 看见) + -ible (形容词后缀) 同根词:visit, vision; 群山的轮廓清晰可见。 这所房子树木环绕,从路上是看不见的。 The outline of the mountains was clearly visible. The house was surrounded by trees and invisible from the road. accompany vt.陪同;陪伴;伴随;为……伴奏 (1)陪伴 accompany sb = keep sb company 陪伴某人 accompany sb to sp 陪同某人去(某地) (2)为...伴奏 accompany sb at/on sth (尤指用钢琴)为某人伴奏 eg.(1)When she stood up to sing, he accompanied her on the piano. (2)She found herself out of work and stuck at home, with only her compu ... ...

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