ID: 21305783

人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Welcome unit Discovering useful structures课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-10-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:28次 大小:6542836B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures 基本句型结构 1. SV(主语+谓语) 【观察思考】 Class│begins. The poor man│died. The red sun│is rising. What he will say│does not matter. The boy’s dream│came true. 【探究总结】 (1)此类句型的谓语动词是_____。基本构成是_____ _____。 (2)常见的不及物动词(短语)有: _____ _____。 rise、matter、begin、come、go、happen、 last、 appear、 work、 come true、 take place等 不及物动词(短语) 主语+不及物动词 (短语) 【应用实践】 (1)分析句子成分。 The writing class│had just begun.   ( )      ( ) (2)根据汉语提示完成英语句子。 Hopefully, ____ ____ _____ ____ (你能参加). 主语 谓语 you can take part 2. SVO(主语+谓语+宾语) 【观察思考】 The student│has known│the answer. He│doesn’t know│them. He│refused│to help them. You│should not give up│studying. Tim│said│that he could speak Chinese. 【探究总结】 (1)该句型的谓语动词是_____。 (2)可用作宾语的有: _____、_____、_____、动词-ing形式(短语)和从句等。 及物动词(短语) 名词 代词 不定式 【应用实践】 翻译句子。 ①我们学校将举办一次运动会。 _____ ②我的爱好包括旅游和游泳。 _____ ③你知道他什么时候去的北京吗 _____ ④母亲答应要给我一件礼物。 _____ Our school will hold a sports meet. My hobbies include travelling and swimming. Do you know when he left for Beijing Mother promised to give me a present. 3. SP(主语+表语) 【观察思考】 This│is an English-Chinese dictionary. Some girls│are happy and excited. His face│turned red. The baby│fell asleep soon. The girl│remained awake all the night. It│looks like a made-up word. Your story│sounds interesting. My father’s hope│is that I can go home frequently. 【探究总结】 (1)该句型的谓语动词是_____。此类动词大致分四类: ①be动词类: _____ ②感官动词类: _____ ③渐变动词类: _____ ④静态动词类: _____ (2)表语由 _____、_____ 、_____ 、动词-ing形式(短语)、过去分词 (短语)、不定式或从句等充当。 【应用实践】 (1)分析句子成分。 ①All of them were  amazed.    主语  系动词 _____作表语 系动词 am、 is、 are、 was、 were look、 sound、 feel、 smell、 taste等 get、 grow、 become、 turn、 go、 fall等 keep、 remain、 stay等 名词 形容词 介词短语 形容词 ②His advice  is   of great help.   主语   系动词 _____作表语 (2)翻译句子。 我相信我可以通过在业余时间赚点钱而变得自信。 I’m sure I can _____ _____ by making some money in my spare time. 4. S V IO DO(主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语) 【观察思考】 Her cousin│gave│her│a new dress. William│showed│me│how to run the machine. I│told│him│that the bus was late. Would you please│pass│me│that dictionary 介词短语 become confident =Would you please│pass│that dictionary to me   Charles│bought│his mother│a new sweater. =Charles│bought│a new sweater for his mother. 【探究总结】 (1)此类谓语动词必须跟两个宾语才能表达完整的意思。一个通常指人( _____ 宾语);一个指物(____宾语)。如果要把直接宾语提到前面,就需要加适当的____。 (2)间接宾语之前用介词to的动词有: _____ _____。 (3)间接宾语之前用介词for的动词有: _____。 间接 直接 介词 give、 ... ...

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