ID: 21322590

人教版(2019)必修 第一册Welcome unitDiscovering Useful Structures课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-10-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:21次 大小:2718354B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 必修第一册 welcome unit Grammar 知识点1 英语句子成分 What is Grammar 词 vocabulary 短语 phrases 句子 sentences 段落 paragraphs 篇章 discourses 知识点1 英语句子成分 词 vocabulary 实词 content words 虚词 fuction words 动词 verbs 名词 nouns 副词 adverbs 代词 pronouns 数词 numerals 形容词 adjectives 冠词 articles 感叹词 injections 介词 prepositions 连词 conjunctions 有实际意义的词 没有具体意义的词 知识点1 英语句子成分 短语 phrases 分词短语 介词短语 不定式短语 动名词短语 名词短语 动词短语 形容词短语 副词短语 具有一定意义但不构成句子或者从句的一组词 知识点1 英语句子成分 句子 sentences 定语 attribute 状语 adverbial 表语 predicative 同位语 appositive 主语 subject 谓语 predicate 宾语 object 补语 complement 知识点1 英语句子成分 主语:动作的发出者,可由名词、代词、动名词等来承担。 Cindy is a nice teacher. He is a student. Playing football is fun. Two and five makes seven. To pass the exam is his aim. What he has is nothing but money. 知识点1 英语句子成分 谓语:主语发出的动作,一般是动词。 简单谓语:单个动词或动词短语。 We plant trees in spring every year. My boss stayed up late last night. 复杂谓语:(1)助动词+实义动词 Mary has taught English for seven years. (2)情态动词+实义动词/系动词 You will succeed if you try your best. You should be serious. 知识点1 英语句子成分 宾语:动作的对象或承受者,常位于及物动词或介词后,可由名词、不定式等充当。 Everyone wants to succeed. Show the passport, please. She didn’t say anything. -How many apples do you want -I want two. I enjoy working with you. I bought a book on how to repair cars. Did you write down what he said 知识点1 英语句子成分 定语:修饰名词或代词的成分,分为前置定语或后置定语。 Some intelligent students. A woman doctor was operating on a patient. His progress in English made us surprised. The boy in the room is my friend. He is reading an article about how to learn English. Being honest with each other is the best way to make friends. The man named Jack is my friend. I needed a new football that I had longed for a long time. 前置定语:短,放名词前 后置定语:长,放名词后 知识点1 英语句子成分 状语:动作发生的原因、结果、地点、方式、条件等。 You can put it down anywhere. The meeting has been called off last night after the deadly explosion. The company will go bankrupt unless business improves. Seeing nobody in the office, she had to leave a note. 常见考点: Eggs are extremely well adapted to men's needs. Frankly, I think his lesson is very boring. This is a highly effective way to refine sugar. 知识点1 英语句子成分 表语:系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质、身份、状态和特征。 That sounds great. I am an English teacher. What is 系动词? (1)be动词:am,is,are,was,were (2)感官动词:look,smell,sound,taste,feel (3)变化动词:become,get,go,grow,turn (+adj. 译为“变得”) (4)保持:keep,stay,remain(+adj. 译为“保持”) (5)无实义动词:seem,prove,appear(+adj. 无实际含义,功能类比be动词,“是”) 知识点1 英语句子成分 补语: (1) ... ...

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