
Unit5 Eat more fruits and vegetables(课件)(共25张PPT)《幼师英语(修订版)》(外研版)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:13次 大小:5324288Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) After learning this unit, you will be able to: 1. talk about fruits and vegetables. 2. make suitable recipes for children. 3. understand the principle of encouragement in preschool English teaching. What do you know about children’s food 2. Do you think the foods in the picture are healthy Look at the picture and discuss 1. Can you recognise the words and expressions a kind of like inside make wine ……的一种 prep. 比如 n. 里面;adj. 内部的 酿酒 Warming up carrot mushroom mango grape watermelon peach onion cucumber 2. Look and match. Warming up 3. Read the descriptions and tick off the pictures in Activity 2. Warming up Pictures Names of Fruits Sketches Pictures Names of Vegetables Sketches starfruit 4. Can you find the names of more fruits or vegetables Use a dictionary to help you. turnip peasecod pepper cabbage strawberry apple kiwifruit Warming up Reading & Speaking scale physical checkup weigh go on keep fit a slice of 1. Read and learn the words and expressions. n. 秤 体检 vi. 重量为 继续 保持健康 一片 2. Read the dialogue and repeat.(译文) Tom is standing on a scale for a physical checkup at the kindergarten. Carrie: Oh, I can’t believe it. You’re 110 centimeters tall, but you weigh over 30 kilograms. Tom: Uh… Am I fat Carrie: Well, I have to say you are overweight. What do you usually eat for meals Tom: Fried chicken and French fries. Carrie: That’s not good. You will become heavier and heavier if you go on eating like that, Tom. Tom: I don’t want to be fat. I want to keep fit. Carrie: Then I think you should eat more vegetables and fruits. Those foods will keep you healthy and strong. Tom: So what should I eat Carrie: You could have carrots, cucumbers, apples, bananas, oranges… Tom: Thank you. Reading & Speaking 2. Read the dialogue and repeat.(译文) 幼儿园里,汤姆正站在一个秤上做体检。 凯莉:噢,我真不敢相信。你身高110厘米,体重却超过了30千克。 汤姆:啊 …… 我太胖了吗? 凯莉:嗯,我不得不说你有些超重了。你通常吃什么? 汤姆:炸鸡和薯条。 凯莉:那可不好。汤姆,如果你继续这样吃饭的话会 越来越胖的。 汤姆:我不想变胖,我想保持健康。 凯莉:我认为你应该多吃一些水果和蔬菜。这些食物会让 你保持身强体壮。 汤姆:那么我应该吃哪些东西呢? 凯莉:你应该吃胡萝卜、黄瓜、苹果、香蕉和桔子等。 汤姆:谢谢。 Reading & Speaking 3. Decide true (T) or false (F). 1. Tom is a little fat. ( ) 2. Tom likes eating junk food. ( ) 3. Tom will go on eating junk food. ( ) 4. Vegetables and fruits can help people keep healthy. ( ) 5. Carrie advises Tom to eat more fruits only. ( ) T F T T F Reading & Speaking Coke cookies canned oranges milk vegetable salad French fries fruit juice instant noodles 4. Match and tick off the healthy foods or cross off the unhealthy foods. Reading & Speaking David: Hi, Tom. Do you know what we will have for lunch Tom: Lyn said 1) _____ David: 2) _____ Tom: Lyn told us instant noodles were junk food. David: They are delicious. Tom: Yes, I like cookies and cola. 3) __ ... ...

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