
中职英语 语文版(2021)职业模块(生产制造类)Unit 2 Cutting-edge Technologies(4)(课件)(19张)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:34次 大小:4143658Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2—(4) Technologies 职业模块·生产制造类 Cutting-edge Ask and answer in pairs to discuss. 1. Do you know where WIC is held 2. What do you think of technologies 3. Does development in technology bring us any problems 4. How should we avoid or make up for the problems 职业模块·生产制造类 Warm-up Let’s see how we answer these questions. 1. Do you know where WIC is held 2. What do you think of technologies Yes, I do. WIC is held in Tianjin. Technologies have changed the world and our life. It makes our life more convenient, colorful and wonderful. Technology is developing so fast that there is always something new to us. We should keep studying and work hard to master mobile appilication technology. 职业模块·生产制造类 Your possible answers Let’s see how we answer these questions. 3. Does development in technology bring us any problems 职业模块·生产制造类 Your possible answers Yes, I think so. High technologies frees people's hands and brain, many people become lazier and lazier, which leads to their poorer health. Meanwhile, the earth’s resourses have been over-exploited, which brings bad effects on the environment. Let’s see how we answer these questions. 4. How should we avoid or make up for the problems 职业模块·生产制造类 Your possible answers I think we shouldn’t rely too much on technologies sometimes. Try to do more physical exercies to keep healthy. Help to do garbage sorting better to reduce environmental pollution. 职业模块·生产制造类 In the intelligence age(智能时代), we can do nothing without the network. Do you really know how the network got developed Let’s explore(探索) it together! 4G The fourth generation(第四代) phones used mobile technology(移动技术) , and they could transmit(传输) more high-quality(高质量的) videos than the former(以前的) phones. From 4G to 5G Let’s review the reading passage again. 职业模块·生产制造类 Furthermore, they could deliver(传送) videos of the same quality as high-definition televisions(高清电视) . Though 4G made our life more wonderful, it still had many limitations(限制) and shortcomings. 5G 2019 was the beginning year of pared with the fourth generation, the fifth generation of mobile phones could do more things. From 4G to 5G 职业模块·生产制造类 Let’s review the reading passage again. 5G connects hundreds of devices(设备) at the same time and deals with(处理) the tasks at a high speed. It has made up for (弥补) the limitations of 4G and has brought us into a more intelligent and efficient(智能时代) age. 职业模块·生产制造类 Let’s read passage loudly again. Let’s review the reading passage again. World Intelligence Congress (WIC), the highest standard and first international AI (Artificial intelligence) conference held in China, serves as a cooperation and exchange platform for global experts and officials, industry and company leaders and entrepreneurs (企业家). World Intelligence Congress Now let’s review about ... ...

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