
中职英语 语文版(2021)拓展模块Unit 1Travel and Accommodation(4) (课件)(26张)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:46次 大小:5299712Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 1. Do you like travelling 2. Where have you been to in China 3. Are there any favourite places for you 4. Is there an impressive city or town for you 5. Why do you like that city or town so much 6. Do you want to go there again for the second or third time 7. Do you like to work as a tourist guide 8. Have you ever thought about travelling abroad 9. Do you have some favourite countries or cities 10. What are they 1. Do you like travelling 2. Where have you been to in China 3. Are there any favourite places for you 4. Is there an impressive city or town for you 5. Why do you like that city or town so much Yes, I do. Very much. I have been to many places, such as Guangzhou, Xi’an, Shanghai and Kunming, etc. Yes, there are. Yes, there is. I love going to Sanya very much. Because the sceneries are beautiful. People are nice and friendly. It’s convenient to do shopping and sightseeing. I ask, you answer. OK 6. Do you want to go there again for the 2nd and 3rd time 7. Do you like to work as a tourist guide 8. Have you ever thought about travelling abroad 9. Do you have some favourite countries or cities 10. What are they Yes, I have. Yes, I do. Being a tourist guide offers me to travel in China or even in the world. Yes, I do. I do have some favourite countries or cities. They are New Zealand, South Africa, Kuwait , Hawaii, San Francisco and Saudi Arabia. Yes, I do. Because going to Sanya makes me feel good. Singapore(新加坡) Milan, Italy(意大利) Britain(英国) Japan Have you ever thought about travelling around the world Cuba(古巴) Cleveland, U.S.A(美国,克利夫兰) Peru(秘鲁) Iceland(冰岛) Are they interesting and special Do you want to visit some of them in the future Travelling gives chance to bring out yourself from closet (密室) towards bright side of life where you can feel and enjoy each and every moment. Travelling enable(使得) you to meet the positive sides of the world where you can get inspiration from culture(文化), traditions(传统) and customs (习俗) of each new place. “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” — Saint Augustine “I love to travel, but hate to arrive.” — Albert Einstein “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” — Aldous Huxley “Life is short and the world is wide” “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” — Henry Miller “I love to travel, but sometimes it’s nice to stay in one place.” — It enriches your life. makes you learn new things. helps you discover the world. enables you to be smarter. keeps your curiosity. brings you new ideas. offers you a new way of living. gives you a new light. changes your life. Do you agree Discuss in groups. Discuss in groups. What other differences can you think of between Chinese and foreign tourists when travelling a queen room (大床房) a twin-bedroom (双床房) a suite(套房) a single room (单人房) a king roo ... ...

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