
中职英语 语文版(2021)职业模块(生产制造类)Unit 2 Cutting-edge Technologies(3)(课件)(27张)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:54次 大小:10385495Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2—(3) 职业模块·生产制造类 Warm-up Please ask and answer in pairs. 1. Do you like cutting-edge technologies in our daily life 2. What high-tech products do you usually use 3. Do you use any mobile apps to learn English 4. Do you agree that we can do nothing without the network 5. Are there any smart household appliances (家用电器) at your home 职业模块·生产制造类 Warm-up Do you know how to answer these questions 1.Do you like cutting-edge technologies in our daily life 2. What high-tech products do you usually use . Let’s read the possible answers. Yes, cutting-edge technologies can make our life more convinient and wonderful. I use smart phone, smart watch, bluetooth speaker and wireless earbuds. 职业模块·生产制造类 3. Do you use any mobile apps to learn English 4. Do you agree that we can do nothing without the network Yes, I use Liulishuo and BBC News. 职业模块·生产制造类 Yes. The network is a necessary part in my daily life now. I use network when I study, watch TV, do shopping, seeing a doctor, etc. It can be seen everywhere. 5. Are there any smart household appliances (家用电器) at your home Yes, we have a sweeping robot, a smart refrigerator, a smart television and a smart door lock. 职业模块·生产制造类 职业模块·生产制造类 Let’s review the dialogue. I’m the engineer and you are the student first. Look at the rabbit! It’s so beautiful! It is 3D printed. 3D printing is a digital technology to produce solid objedts quickly. It sounds interesting. How does it work It’s similar to ordinary printing. After connecting with a computer, a 3D printer can controll the “printing material” layer by layer and finally trun the digital blueprint into a real object. That’s amazing! 3D printing can be applied in various field, including healthcare, clothing design, automobile manufacturing and others. So it will advance our traditional manufaturing. Yes. Now let’s exchange the roles. Introduce a cutting-edge technology How shoud we introduce it 职业模块·生产制造类 history effect We can say something about its ... Introduce a cutting-edge technology How shoud we introduce it 职业模块·生产制造类 We can say something about its ... Range of application (适用范围) We can use: It enables ... ... can be applied in ... 职业模块·生产制造类 Read your introduction to your partner first. It’s your turn now. Now let’s invite some of you to air your opinion in the front. 职业模块·生产制造类 In the intelligence age(智能时代), we can do nothing without the network. Do you really know how the network got developed Let’s explore(探索)it together! 4G The fourth generation(第四代) phones used mobile technology(移动技术) , and they could transmit(传输) more high-quality(高质量的) videos than the former(以前的) phones. From 4G to 5G Now let’s review the passage. 职业模块·生产制造类 Furthermore, they could deliver(传送) videos of the same quality as high-definition televisions(高清电视) ... ...

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