ID: 21363920


日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:42次 大小:24284B 来源:二一课件通
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高三英语阅读精读讲解———打击“杀猪盘 外刊精选|防止更多人“孤注一掷”,中国重拳打击“杀猪盘” 上周国产反诈电影《孤注一掷》结束了公映。影片以现实题材为背景,揭露了位于东南亚某国的诈骗集团通过网络诈骗、高薪诱聘等方式,骗取钱财和劳工的全过程。近年来,类似于电影中所描述的诈骗工厂,在缅甸北部等地日益猖獗,不少中国人深受其害。为了斩断这条黑灰产业链,从8月开始,中国联合泰国、缅甸、老挝开展了专项打击行动。此类电信诈骗的具体运作方式是什么?中国打击电诈的行动取得了怎样的成效? China Unleashes Crackdown on 'Pig Butchering.' (It Isn't What You Think.) By Feliz Solomon It's called "pig butchering." Armies of scammers operating from lawless corners of Southeast Asia connect with people all over the world through online messages. They foster elaborate, sometimes romantic, relationships, and then coax their targets into making bogus investments. Over time, they make it appear that the investments are growing to get victims to send more money. Then, they disappear. In recent months, China has unleashed its most aggressive effort to crack down on the proliferation of the scam mills, reaching beyond its territory and netting thousands of people in mass arrests. Its main target is a notorious stretch of its border with Myanmar controlled by narcotics traffickers and warlords. The scammers operate out of secretive, dystopian compounds. They cheat Chinese citizens out of billions of dollars each year, as well as victims across the globe. China says four thousand, six hundred and sixty-six suspects have been repatriated from Myanmar since the crackdown began earlier this year. "This is by any measure a major operation, which speaks to the impact on China and Chinese citizens, and the seriousness with which Beijing is approaching this,"said Richard Horsey, senior adviser on Myanmar for the International Crisis Group. While China may be turning up the heat on cybercriminals along its border, experts say scamming is so lucrative that the ringleaders are likely to simply look for more fertile ground—areas where law enforcement is lax. 【词汇过关】 请写出下文单词在文章中的中文意思。 1.unleash英 [ n li ] 美 [ n li ] v. _____ 2.crackdown英 [ kr kda n] 美 [ kr kda n] n. _____ 3.butcher英 [ b t ] 美 [ b t r] v. _____ 4.army英 [ ɑ mi] 美 [ ɑ rmi] n. _____ 5.scammer英 [ sk m ] 美 [ sk m r] n. _____ 6.scam v. _____ 7.foster英 [ f st ] 美 [ fɑ st r] v. _____ 8.elaborate英 [i l br t] 美 [i l b r t] adj. _____ 9.bogus英 [ b ɡ s] 美 [ bo ɡ s] adj. _____ 10.aggressive英 [ ɡres v] 美 [ ɡres v] adj. _____ 11.proliferation英 [pr l fr e n] 美 [pr l f re n] n. _____ 12.mill英 [m l] 美 [m l] n. _____厂 英 [net] 美 [net]n. 网;(本文)v. _____ 14.notorious英 [n t ri s n t ri s] 美 [no t ri s] adj. _____ 15.stretch英 [stret ] 美 [stret ]n._____ 16.dystopian英 [d s t pi n] 美 [d s to pi n] adj. _____ 17.repatriate英 [ ri p trie t] 美 [ ri pe trie t] v. _____ 18.lucrative英 [ lu kr t v] 美 [ lu kr t v] adj. _____ 19.lax英 [l ks] 美 [l ks] adj. _____ 20.trafficker n._____ 【词块学习】 ... ...

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