
外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Family Matters Understanding Ideas Like Father Like Son 课件(共20页)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:76次 大小:3755129Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Family matters Understanding ideas conflict Free talk: What conflicts have you had with your parents Can you share with us one of the stories Lead in What is a play characters. settings dialogue plot actions characters A play is a story performed on a stage. It has a plot,settings,characters,and actions,as well as dialogue between Two tasks: 1.Add the tags(标签) and complete the notes on page 28. 2.Answer the question: What conflict does the son have with his father 1.Add the tags(标签)and complete the notes on page 28. Seffing Plof Characfers The living room,with at front centre. ● ● ● ●● Q:Setting can establish the atmosphere of a scene or story.What does“playing chess” symbolize What atmosphere is created here Key element 1 asmbo of playing chess Creates battle tense atmosphere Key element 1 Key element 2 2.focus on his band 3.have a career in music 4.go to university 5.be a lawyer 6.are respected by others 7.play music 8.have two options for his future Plok 1otes with expressions from the play. Answer this question: What conflict does the son have with his father Key element 2 Task 2 Key element 2 plot developing map 图虫创意MOUNTAIN Personality (人 物性格) Key element 3 Key element 4 and 5 Actions and dialogues Son:(nervously approaching the table)Erm...Dad can we talk Father:Sure.You know you can always turn to your dad for a chat. Son :Ive decided not to go to university. I want to focus on my band. Father (raising his voice) You can't be serious! ● Grandfather:Hey!I told you to calm down, both of you. (laughing)Easy ,son!I remember when you were his age,you said that you wanted to be a professional footballplayer. Why laughing Key element 4 and 5 Actions and dialogues ● Grandfather:And I'm sure playing in a band will help you make lots of new friends at university. ● Father:Yes,lots of new lawyer friends! ● Son:(with a sigh)Dad... Let's discuss:Why sigh Father still insists on his ideas. Key element 4 and 5 Actions and dialogues Compare dialogues and think: Which is a better way to communicate Father:What is wrong with being a lawyer Stop daydreaming! Playing in a band is not ajob. Grandfather:I am so proud of you! Your son is proud of you too. Why don't you also take my advice We should say something more encouraging and acceptable Creative thinking(创造性思维) 1.How do you understand the title:Like father like son 2.Is son satisfied with the result Why 3.Is it better for a teenager to have NO disagreements with parents 4.How can we avoid family conflict Assignment Whonk

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