
Unit3 Friendship Section 3(课件)(共51张PPT)-中职《英语(基础模块1)》(上外版)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:97次 大小:2429926Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) NEWSTART ENGLISH FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 基础模块 1 英 语 Friendship Unit 3 Friendship needs to be sown(播种)with loyalty(忠诚), irrigated(浇灌)with enthusiasm(热情), and nurtured(滋养)with empathy(共情). Learning Objectives I II Section One Getting Ready III Section Two Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation IV Section Three Reading and Writing V Section Four Grammar in Focus VI Section Five Doing a Project Watch and Say A. Reading Pictures B. Building Vocabulary C. Viewing to Learn Learning Objectives Listening: Listening for Tone & Attitude Listening: Conversation Listening: Short Passage Speaking: Pair Work Speaking: Group Work Pronunciation Text A and Writing Text B Learning Objectives Simple Future and Past Progressive Digging In Trying Out Learning Objectives Project A: Designing a profile Project B: Designing an e-invitation card talk about the importance of friendship and describe how to maintain it; identify the importance of having friends from different cultures; locate key words to retell a story; write a story about friendship. In this unit, we are going to understand the meaning and importance of “friendship” in human relationship; get familiarized with useful words & expressions about “friendship”; learn about the ways to keep lifelong friendships; write a passage about you and your friends. In this part, we are going to Look at the title and picture of the passage. Answer the questions. I expected to read a story concerning sand and stone. Two best friends, travel, desert, quarrel, wrote on the sand,oasis, wrote something on a big stone, saved my life, friendship life long… What do you expect to read after seeing the title of the text 1. 2. Scan the text, try to find the key elements of the story. Sand and Stone Story 1 Once upon a time, there were two best friends, John and James. They had been close friends since their childhood. When it was time for them to look for a job, they decided to travel together. They passed through various places — villages, towns, forests, beaches — and supported each other throughout their journey. 2 One day they reached a desert and they had very little food and water left. “James, we have limited food and water. And we still have a lot of the desert to cross. We should save our supplies,” John told James. “But I am thirsty,” James replied. “I don’t care. I am sure we will find an oasis ahead, somewhere.” 3 John insisted. “We can’t be sure about it. We must save our food and water.” 4 The two friends quarreled with each other and John shouted at James out of anger. Before moving on, James wrote on the sand, “My best friend shouted at me today.” 5 After a while, they came upon an oasis and were very happy. They refilled their bottles and took a bath in the water. However, James became careless and started to drown. John grabbed him and pulled him out of the water to safety. James said, “Thank you, my f ... ...

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