ID: 21371384

2025年高考英语一轮复习 高频熟词生义和课标新增难词背诵(新高考)课件(共62页)

日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:18次 大小:26909658B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2025年高三高考英语复习-高考高频熟词生义 课标新增难词背诵(新高考) 演讲:xxx 01 高考熟词生义狂背 【高考导航】 3.In the lab, keeping things clean and organized can help provide a safer environment. (2021天津卷知识运用)在实验室里,保持物品整洁有序,有助于提供一个更安全的环境。c. (2021浙江卷知识运用)林肯在伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德市中心的家不像乔治·华盛顿在波托马克河畔的种植园那样给人留下深刻印象,但自从向公众开放以来,就吸引了无数游客。 3.In the lab, keeping things clean11kl and organized can help provide a safer environment. (2021天津卷知识运用)在实验室里,保持物品整洁有序,有助于提供一个更安全的环境。1.For example, a coat on a fence or a pipe on the floor would frighten them away. (2021上海卷写作) 例如,篱笆上的一件外套或地板上的一根管子会把他们吓跑。 1.agree with(熟义:同意) Your story agrees with what I heard. 2.assign (熟义:分派,布置任务) (2023·浙江1月)The rules that assign meaning lie not just inside our heads, but also outside, in social memory, social conventions and social relations. 3.back(熟义:n.背)Many of his friends backed his plan.熟义:n.书) I’ll book a ticket to Beijing. 1. 最新高考熟词生义狂背 知识点1 最新真题熟词生义 (与……一致) (v.确定价值,功能等) (vt.支持) (v.预订) 【高考导航】 3.In the lab, keeping things clean and organized can help provide a safer environment. (2021天津卷知识运用)在实验室里,保持物品整洁有序,有助于提供一个更安全的环境。c. (2021浙江卷知识运用)林肯在伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德市中心的家不像乔治·华盛顿在波托马克河畔的种植园那样给人留下深刻印象,但自从向公众开放以来,就吸引了无数游客。 3.In the lab, keeping things clean11kl and organized can help provide a safer environment. (2021天津卷知识运用)在实验室里,保持物品整洁有序,有助于提供一个更安全的环境。1.For example, a coat on a fence or a pipe on the floor would frighten them away. (2021上海卷写作) 例如,篱笆上的一件外套或地板上的一根管子会把他们吓跑。 5.branch(熟义:n.树枝,枝条) (2023·全国甲)Head Chef David Thompson,who received a Michelin star for his London based Thai restaurant of the same name,opened this branch in the Metropolitan Hotel in 2010. 6.cast (熟义: v. 投,抛,扔,丢) (2024浙江1月卷)McMath is a junior at Beechwood High School. He was in the cast of “Tom Sawyer" when it was first performed and is a Children's Theatre regular, with five shows to his credit. 1. 最新高考熟词生义狂背 (n.分店) (n.演员阵容,全体演员v.投射;:v.投去(一瞥、一眼) 【高考导航】 3.In the lab, keeping things clean and organized can help provide a safer environment. (2021天津卷知识运用)在实验室里,保持物品整洁有序,有助于提供一个更安全的环境。c. (2021浙江卷知识运用)林肯在伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德市中心的家不像乔治·华盛顿在波托马克河畔的种植园那样给人留下深刻印象,但自从向公众开放以来,就吸引了无数游客。 3.In the lab, keeping things clean11kl and organized can help provide a safer environment. (2021天津卷知识运用)在实验室里,保持物品整洁有序,有助于提供一个更安全的环境。1.For e ... ...

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