ID: 21380656

2025届高考英语专项复习 2022-2024真题精编卷 专题三 完形填空(PDF版,含解析)

日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:42次 大小:1217908B 来源:二一课件通
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    高考英语三年(2022-2024)真题精编卷 14. A. traveled B. matured C. missed D. worried 15. A. limits B. dates C. goals D. tests 专题三 完形填空 【2024·新课标Ⅱ卷】 【2024·新课标Ⅰ卷】 When I decided to buy a house in Europe ten years ago, I didn't think too long. I liked traveling in I've been motivated—and demotivated—by other folks' achievements all my life. France, but when it came to picking my favorite spot to 16 , Italy was the clear winner. When I was a teenager, a neighborhood friend 1 a marathon race. Feeling motivated, I During my first visit to Italy, I 17 to ask for directions or order in a restaurant. But every started running 2 , but then two things happened. First, a girl I met one day told me she time I tried to 18 a sentence of Italian together, the locals smiled at me and 19 my was 3 for a "super," referring to a 52.4-mile double marathon. Then, the next day I went on my language skills. That encouragement helped me to get through the language 20 . After I made longest run—15 miles. To be honest, I 4 it! Between the girl making my 5 seem small Italy my permanent home, I discovered how 21 Italians are. Neighbors will bring me freshly and the pure boredom of jogging, I decided that the only 6 I'd ever run again is if a big dog was made cheese and will come to my door to 22 me to close the window in my car when rain is running after me! coming. It's these small 23 of kindness that make a new country feel like home. So I 7 cycling. I got a good bike and rode a lot. I 8 of entering cycle races until I As a foodie, the way to my heart is through my stomach, and nowhere fuels my 24 quite flew to San Diego to visit my sister. While she was at work one day, I 9 her bike and went for a like Italy. Each town has its own traditional 25 , and every family keeps a recipe passed from one ride. The 10 : The roads there went through large valleys where I'd be riding uphill for miles at a generation to another. Families 26 for big meals on Sundays, birthdays, and whatever other time. I'd never faced such 11 . That day, I got 12 by about 100 "local" bikers who were excuses they can 27 . These meals are always 28 by laughter and joy. used to such roads. When I got back home, suddenly riding my bike didn't seem quite as 13 . Whatever 29 life in Italy might have, the problems are 30 once you sit down to a big I've 14 a lot since then. I've come to accept that whatever 15 I set for myself, they meal with friends and family. just have to be my own. 16. A. study B. rent C. visit D. settle 1. A. knew B. held C. won D. quit 17. A. planned B. struggled C. refused D. happened 2. A. regularly B. silently C. proudly D. recently 18. A. string B. hang C. mix D. match 3. A. asking B. looking C. waiting D. training 19. A. improved B. assessed C. admired D. praised 4. A. made B. believed C. hated D. deserved 20. A. course B. barrier C. area D. test 5. A. advantage B. achievement C. contribution D. influence 21. A. open-minded B. strong-willed C. warm-hearted D. ... ...

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