ID: 21384084

外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit1 Growing up基础知识复习检测(含答案)

日期:2024-10-09 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:81次 大小:38127B 来源:二一课件通
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XB2 基础知识复习检测 Unit1 Growing up 一、单词拼写: 1.Buying a house can be a terribly business. (烦人的) 2.It is reported that the final results will be announced on Friday. (选举) 3.I think this course s you,because it offers a detailed explanation and is more s for beginners.(合适) 4.The drop in travel is bad news for the industry.(航空公司) 5.The agreement strengthened the b between the two countries.(纽带) 6.For many students,playing computer games after arriving home would be a source oft (诱惑) 7.Achieving success at this level requires a c of time and energy.(投入) 8.I don't think he is m enough to be rude to an old man in public.(成熟) 9 .He soon received a law l and became a lawyer.(执照) 10.It is an accepted practice to pay a d with your order,which assures the seller that you are in fact a serious buyer.(定金) 11 It's not a to speak ill of others in private. (美德) 12 No doubt it's to hunt endangered animals. (非法的) 13.“I complain of Smith,”said Curly (立刻) 14.Is there a cut-off point between childhood and a 2 15.We must not feel d at our failure (灰心的) 16 Youneed to take a break from (惯例,常规) 17.He paused,waiting for her to the information.(消化) 18 One of global warming is extinction of species. (后果) 19 is plentifully available. (证据) 20 Most ,he once argued with her about the issue. (难忘地) 二、用本单元短语填空: 1.Managers should their actions. (负责) 2 She hasn t her daughter's marriage.(赞成) 3.Dr.Li is an expert in medicine,and he on COVID-19. (有发言权) 4 I never feel safe with Richard (在驾驶) 5.They her buy a new car by offering free credit the other day.(引诱) 6.You ought to have some money for future use.(储蓄) 7. some of their success is owed to their genetic or environmental quality early in life.(无疑地) 8 It is he who has building a harmonious society for years. (致力于) 9 He could tell_____what was wrong. (瞥一眼) 10.I'm sure there will be some quarrels (在某一时刻) 1l Children everything about then.(好奇) 12.Have you (习惯)talking with your family (休闲地) 13 I (迫不及待)turn 18 and (毕业)instantly 14.The will be celebrated in a week. (成人礼) 1 15.He has been trying to social responsibility(培养社会责任感) and he has (成功,做到). 16.She felt she should/ought to have (做贡献)the household finances. 17.Will you be completely (负责)your own life and be able to (表达自己的观点)in new and exciting ways 18 He used to (痴迷于)playing computer games 19.Can you (弄清)how to do it 20.This matter (与..无关)the environment (从长远来看) 三、语法填空: 1.I can't wait (be)18.One reason is although I've beenworking ever since (leave)school,I won't be voting in the next general election. 2.I've also (take)driving lessons ever since,and in factI will be taking my driving test the very day I turn 18 3.Instead of (be)the selfish teenager I used to be,I have begun to feel more aware other people and to develop a stronger sense of social responsibility. (give)an example,I (sign)an organ donation agreement this time tomor ... ...

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