
2025版高考英语全程一轮复习 外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册重点突破 (6份打包)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:55次 大小:350208Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 Laugh out loud 重点知识突破 1 amusement n.娱乐,消遣 amuse vt.(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐 amused adj.逗乐的;觉得好笑的 amusing adj.逗人笑的;有乐趣的 基础练习———单句语法填空 ①Much to our _____ (amuse), the clown's false beard fell off. All the audience who were _____ (amuse) by the scene stood up and applauded for his excellent performance, waving their hands _____ amusement. 能力提升———读后续写生动表达 ②我不情愿地摇头,深叹一口气,但是同时心里对这熟悉的荒唐事还觉得有些好笑。 I reluctantly shook my head, sighed deeply, but meanwhile _____ this familiar ridiculousness. (1)(much) to one's amusement (非常)令某人高兴的是 in/with amusement 愉快地 (2)amuse sb./oneself with sth. 以某事/物逗乐某人/自己 be amused at/by/with sth. 以某事为乐;被……逗笑 2entertain v.使快乐;款待 entertainment n.娱乐;招待,款待 entertaining adj.有趣的;令人愉快的 基础练习———单句语法填空 ①To our great _____ (entertain), the manager promises to entertain us _____ a big feast as well as the latest film when we are available. ②Mark often entertains his classmates _____ many amusing stories or funny movements. 能力提升———微写作 ③这些游乐场为游客提供娱乐与教育相结合的体验,值得我们关注。 These amusement parks offering visitors experience _____ deserve our attention. (1)entertain sb. with sth. 用某物使某人快乐 entertain sb. to sth. 用某物招待某人 (2)to one's entertainment 使某人高兴的是 3spot vt.发现;认出;点缀 n.处所;斑点;污点;地点 基础练习———单句语法填空 ①[2022·新高考Ⅰ卷]I looked around and finally _____ (spot) David, who was standing by himself off to the side by a fence. ②More than ten policemen turned up at the spot _____ the accident happened. ③I was waiting for my friend when I suddenly spotted a man not far from me _____ (stare) at me. 能力提升———微写作 ④不仅将展出各种剪纸作品,工匠们还将现场向参观者展示如何将纸剪成各种形状。 Not only will all kinds of paper cutting works be on display, but the craftsmen will show visitors how _____. (1)spot sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事 be spotted with 散布;点缀 (2)on the spot 当场;在现场 【名师指津】 spot作“地点”讲,用作定语从句的先行词时,从句如缺状语则用where引导定语从句。 4deserve vi.& vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得;应得 基础练习———单句语法填空 ①With many wild animals gradually dying out, the present situation deserves _____ (pay) attention to. ②Mary is constantly making efforts, and her teachers remark that she deserves _____ (achieve) the goal of entering a key university. 能力提升——— 一句多译 保持开放的心态, 因为每个人的想法都值得考虑。 ③Keep an open mind, because everyone's ideas _____. ④Keep an open mind, because everyone's ideas _____. ⑤Keep an open mind, because everyone's ideas _____. (1)deserve to do sth. 应该做……;值得做…… (2)deserve to be done=deserve doing... 值得被做 deserve consideration/attention/a rest 值得考虑/注意/应该休息 5remark n.谈论;言论;意见,评述 v.评论;谈论;说起,谈到 remarkable adj.非凡的;显著的 基础练习———单句 ... ...

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