
外研版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 3 Family matters Developing idea 教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:51次 大小:7320846Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching Design Basic information Time duration: 40 minutes Student: First term of grade one in senior high school Material: Unit3 Developing idea Type of Lesson: Reading & Writing Analysis of material 1.The main content It focuses on the love of Brownlee brothers. This text talks about Jonny fell down during the race, and Alistair helped him to finish the race. And people have different opinions on the matter. 2.The type of the text The genre of this text is a feature story. This passage is written in chronological order, divided into beginning, during the race and after the race. 3.The purpose of the text By understanding and analyzing the text, the students will realize the love of brothers, and cultivate good family values in students. Analysis of students Student status Merits: The students are active and curious and they have mastered some simple words and expressions to read this text. Shortcomings: They don’t understand the structure of feature story. Solutions: Teacher shows the structure of feature story to students and encourage students to take part in the class actively. Teaching objectives By the end of the class, students will be able to Generalize the main idea of the feature story. (understanding) Analyze the structure of the feature story. (Analyzing) Express their ideas about why did Alistair choose brotherly love over a chance to win the race by using the knowledge learned in this lesson. (Applying) Write a short passage about their family love. (Transferring & Creating) Key points Comb out the learning experiences of four English learners. Accumulate the English used in daily life and media, experience authentic and diverse English expressions, and improve their language ability and cultural awareness. Difficult point Accumulate the English used in daily life and media, experience authentic and diverse English expressions, and improve their language ability and cultural awareness. Teaching method Task-based Language Teaching Method Task 1 Discussion--lead students to read and think. Task 2 Report--encourage students to take part in the class actively. Learning method Initiative Learning Cooperative Learning Exploratory Learning Teaching aids Blackboard, projector Teaching procedures Lead-in(5mins) Pre-reading(5mins) While-reading (18mins) Post-reading(9mins) Summary(2mins) Homework (1mins) Teacher activity Student activity Lead-in (5mins) 1. Watch the video and answer a question. Do you know what is Triathlons 1. Watch some pictures and answer a question. Do you know what is Triathlons Purpose 1. To arouse students’ interest and help them focus on today’s topic. 2. To lay the foundation for later reading. Core competence Language competence--to express their opinions. Pre-reading (5mins) Prediction 1.Look at the picture and title. What is the relationship between two man? 2.Where should these expressions go Prediction 1.Look at the picture and title. What is the relationship between two man? 2. Where should these express ... ...

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