

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:69次 大小:50852Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024-2025学年江西省九江市武宁县第二中学高三上学期开学 英语试题 时间120分钟 总分150分 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Welcome This brochure offers a short introduction to St John’s College as you follow the tourist route through the College. A full guide about the College, its buildings and its history, may also be purchased from the Porters’ Lodge. We welcome visitors, but please remember that the College is a place where researchers and students live and work. Please keep to the route marked on the attached map, follow instructions from our staff, and do not go anywhere marked “private”. First Court Much of the College is made up of quadrangles(四方院) or “courts”. There are three running west to east from the Great Gate to the river, known simply as First, Second and Third. First Court was built in 1511 to the south of the old hospital and contained living quarters, the original chapel(小教堂), library, hall and kitchens. The Chapel The 19th century chapel was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott, apart from the tower which was an afterthought made possible by a former member of St John’s College called Henry Hoare, who unfortunately died before he could pay for it all! Chapel Court The style of Chapel Court in the south range is Tudor, the west range Victorian and the remainder built by Sir Edward Maufe in 1938-40. Part of the west range was transformed into a new College library in 1994. The arms above the archway in the centre of the north range are those of John Fisher, carved by the famous sculptor, Eric Gill, who favors Catholic methods. 21. When touring in the St John’s College, what should visitors remember A. Private places are not accessible to tourists. B. Tourists can choose specific routes randomly. C. A full guide of the College is provided for free. D. Researchers and students can be tourists’ guides. 22. What can be inferred about Chapel Court A. It is primarily a modern structure. B. It integrates the artistic elements from the east. C. It features a mix of different architectural styles. D. It is a single-style building with minor alterations. 23. Where is this text probably taken from A. A history book. B. A visitor guide. C. An academic paper. D. An architecture magazine. B My wife and I enjoy a well-built home with a large yard. Our electricity comes from a pole in the street, our water from the city water company, and our natural gas from the natural gas supply company. We live in South Texas, the energy center of the world, so what’s there to worry about That’s what a lot of folks thought until a devastating winter storm hit Texas. Many people were left without water, power or gas. Temperatures inside even the best-built homes were dangerously low. Fortunately, our electricity and gas stayed on. Even if they hadn’t, we were prepared for the worst. If we had lost our power and gas, we might have been uncomfortab ... ...

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