
Unit 3 Family matters Starting out & Understanding ideas——析考点课件(共31张PPT)+讲义

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:68次 大小:7565755Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 3 Period Ⅱ Starting out & Understanding ideas———析考点 Ⅰ.写作单词———记其形 1.character n.(书、剧本、电影等中的)人物,角色 2.approach v.走近,靠近 3.chat n.闲谈,聊天 4.focus v.(把……)集中(于) 5.ignore v.忽视,不理 6.sigh n.叹气,叹息(尤因厌烦、失望、疲倦等) Ⅱ.阅读单词———知其意 1.lawyer n.律师 2.career n.职业,事业 3.studio n.(音乐)录音室 4.court n.法院,法庭 5.curtain n.(舞台上的)幕,帷幕 6.generation n.一代(人) 7.gap n.差距,差别 Ⅲ.拓展单词———通其变 1.professional adj.职业的,专业的 profession n.职业;专业 2.respect v. & n. 尊敬,敬重 respectable adj.体面的;受人尊敬的 respectful adj.表示敬意的;尊敬的 3.suit v.适合 n.西服;套装 suitable adj.合适的 4.talent n.天赋,才能 talented adj.有天赋的;有才能的 5.option n.选择,可选择的东西 optional adj.可选择的 6.assume v.假定,假设,认为 assumption n.假定,设想 assuming conj.假定;假设 Ⅳ.必备短语———英汉译 1.as well as和;也 2.turn to... 向(某人)求助;求助于;转向 3.focus on 关注;聚焦于 4.calm down (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来 5.be proud of为……自豪 6.take one’s advice采纳某人的建议 7.jump in with both feet全心全意地从事;不假思索地匆匆投入 Ⅴ.常用句型———会仿写 1.句型公式:完全倒装 [原句] Oh look,here comes my boy. 哟,看,我儿子来了。 仿写:这儿有些旅行小贴士,我希望对你有所帮助。 Here are some travel tips,which,I hope,can help you. 2.句型公式:that’s because... [原句] You just assume I want to be a lawyer,but that’s only because you are a lawyer. 您想当然地认为我想做律师,但那只是因为您自己是律师。 仿写:我向你推荐高铁。那是因为这是近年来最方便的交通方式。 I recommend the high-speed train to you. That’s because it has been the most convenient way in recent years.(建议信) 3.句型公式:动名词短语作主语 [原句] Playing in a band is not a job. 搞乐队根本不是份工作。 仿写:对于许多年轻人来说,上大学是他们人生中最重要的阶段之一。 For many young people,going to university is one of the most important stages of their lives. 1.approach v.走近,靠近 n.方式,方法;靠近,走近;通路;道路 [佳句背诵] Night approaching,darkness ruled the forest. (拟人) 夜幕降临,黑暗笼罩着森林。 (1)with...approaching  在……快到的时候 (2)an/the approach to (doing)... 通往……的道路;(做)……的方法 at the approach of 在快到……的时候 [活学巧用] 单句语法填空/一句多译 I’m writing to encourage you to adopt a positive approach to the new school life.(建议信) So far they have discussed various new approaches to teaching (teach) English. Concerned about the approaching (approach) exam,she can hardly fall asleep.(心理描写) 随着夜晚的临近,我变得忧心忡忡,无法保持平静。(心理描写) →At the approach of the night,I became worried and could not keep calm.(approach n.) →With the night approaching,I became worried and could not keep calm.(with复合结构) →As the night was approaching,I became worried and could not keep calm.(as引导时间状语从句) [名师指津] approach表示“……的方法/途径”时,后常接介词to;当表示“某人或某物的来临”时,其后常接介词of。 2.focus v.(把……)集中(于);聚焦 n.焦点;中心点 ... ...

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