ID: 21405429

外研版2019选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Growing up Understanding ideas课件(共34页)+导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-10-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:46次 大小:3025991B 来源:二一课件通
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    Section Ⅲ Understanding ideas Step 1 速读———整体理解文意 Ⅰ.明文章大意 What’s the main idea of the text A.Views about the right to vote. B.Young people should leave home when they grow up. C.What the age of majority means to different people. D.The age of majority varies in different countries. Ⅱ.悉篇章结构 Read the passage quickly and then fill in the blanks. Step 2 细读———深度获取细节 1.What does Bethany think of driving a car A.One can’t drive a car under 21. B.A driver should be responsible for everyone’s life. C.One mustn’t drive a car after drinking. D.It’s necessary for everyone to drive a car after getting a driving licence. 2.Which words can be used to describe Lin Ning after his 18th birthday A.Selfish and caring. B.Mature and free. C.Caring and responsible. D.Independent and generous. 3.Why does Morgan want to live with his parents A.Because his income is too low. B.Because his parents need looking after. C.Because he wants to get a new job. D.Because he doesn’t move into a rented apartment. 4.What does the word “commitment” in the last paragraph probably mean A.Hope. B.Promise. C.Willingness. D.Belief. 5.What is another suitable title for the passage A.The Right to Vote—Your Views B.Teenagers’ Hopes for the Future C.Eighteen—the Age of Indecision D.Turning Eighteen—What Does It Mean Step 3 读后———课文语法填空 In most countries,turning 18 1._____(mark) the start of adulthood.In this passage,three young people tell us 2._____ turning 18 means,or meant,to them. 16 year old girl Bethany says turning 18 means she is old enough 3._____(vote) in the election and have a say on how the government spends the taxes.Though Bethany’s mum,an ambulance driver,4._____(worry) about her being behind the wheel,Bethany thinks she can take responsibility for her life and the lives of other people. Lin Ning,19 year old from Shanghai in China,5._____(celebrate) his 18th birthday just before he went to university.He expected to feel 6._____(instant) different,but it wasn’t like that.In fact,the change has been more gradual and subtle than he imagined.Instead of 7._____(be) the selfish teenager he used to be,he has begun to feel more aware of other people and to develop a stronger sense of social 8._____(responsible). Morgan,20 year old from Florida in the US,used to believe he should become 9._____(independence) at the age of 18,but the reality for him has been very different.Because he contributes to the household bills and his commute to work is quite expensive,he finds 10._____ hard to save any money. Ⅰ.补句子 析结构 1.Here,three young people tell us what _____(turn) 18 means,or meant,to them.(P2) 结构分析:此句是_____句。what引导_____从句,在宾语从句中作mean的_____。 汉语翻译:_____ 2.One reason is that although I _____(work) ever since leaving school,I won’t be voting in the next general _____(elect).(P3 Para.1) 结构分析:此句是_____句。that引导_____从句;该从句中含有althou ... ...

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