ID: 21405436

Unit 1 Growing up Using language(1)—Future continuous课件(共19页)+导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-10-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:92次 大小:2441778B 来源:二一课件通
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    Section Ⅳ Using language(1)—Future continuous 阅读以下短文,感知黑体部分,并回答以下问题。 Good morning! Today ①I’ll be speaking to you about drones,also known as UAVs.Flying around on their own,drones have already been used in many fields and they ②will come into wider use in the near future.Delivery drones,as the name suggests,are used to deliver goods.At the moment,delivery drones are mainly used for military action and disaster relief.But it can be predicted that before long many people ③will be using drones to deliver daily supplies like food and drink.Some companies are also developing passenger drones,which carry people in crowded cities.Just enter a destination,and the drones ④will fly the passengers where they want to go.We can assume that with improved technology in passenger drones,we ⑤will be entering the age of personal flying vehicles.There are also many other exciting new ways to use this technology.Whatever happens,⑥we will all be interacting with drones on a daily basis.There can be no denying that the technology ⑦will have a huge impact on everyday life. [自主发现] 以上短文中①,③,⑤和⑥都是_____时态,其构成形式为_____,该时态表示在将来某时刻或某段时间内,某一动作_____进行,还可以表示安排要做的事或预计会发生的事;②,④和⑦都是_____时态,其构成是_____,表示将来要发生某事。 将来进行时 一、将来进行时的形式 肯定句:主语+will/shall be+doing... 否定句:主语+will/shall not be+doing... 疑问句:Will/Shall+主语+be+doing... The minister will be giving a speech on international affairs in July. 部长将在七月份就国际事务发表演讲。 They won’t be playing football on Sunday morning due to the closure of the venue. 由于场地关闭,周日早上他们不踢足球。 Will you be staying with me at this time tomorrow 明天这个时候你会和我在一起吗? 二、将来进行时的用法 1.表示将来某一段时间内或者某一时刻正在进行的动作或者存在的状态,一般不带感彩。常与表示将来的时间状语连用。 Don’t phone me between 8:00 and 9:00 tomorrow because I will be having a class then. 明天8点到9点之间不要给我打电话,因为我那时正在上课。 I will be taking an exam between 2:40 and 4:30 tomorrow afternoon,so I can’t go skating with you. 明天下午2:40到4:30之间我要参加考试,所以我不能和你一起去滑冰。 2.表示安排要做的事或预计会发生的事,多与表示将来的时间状语连用。 We will be attending a meeting this time tomorrow,so we are sorry that we will not be seeing you off at the airport. 明天这个时候我们将在开会,所以很抱歉我们不能去机场为你送别了。 Mr Smith will be meeting an honoured guest at the same time next week. 史密斯先生下星期同一时间将会见一位贵宾。 3.表示推测,will还有“大概”或“一定”的意思,即表示一种揣测或表示某种倾向或习惯性的动作。 If we keep working hard like this,we will be making a miracle. 如果我们继续像这样努力工作,我们会创造奇迹的。 When I get home,my husband will probably be watching TV. 当我到家时,我丈夫可能正在看电视。 4.用于疑问句、条件状语从句或I hope/think等后面的宾语从句中表示婉转语气或表达有礼貌地询问、请求等。 Will you be wait ... ...

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