ID: 21405442

Unit 1 Growing up Using language(2)—Listening and Speaking课件(共13页)+导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-10-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:59次 大小:4249748B 来源:二一课件通
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    Section Ⅴ Using language(2)—Listening and Speaking Ⅰ.Listen to the dialogue on P7 and choose the best answer.(高考形式) 1.What is the relationship between the two speakers A.Teacher and student. B.Brother and sister. C.Friends. 2.What are they talking about A.Their school life. B.Their new classmate. C.How to get used to boarding life. 3.Which is not the concern of Susan A.The busy study schedule. B.Not getting along with roommates. C.Being homesick. Ⅱ.Listen to the conversation again on P7 and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.(精听训练) Ken:Hi,Susan! I’ve just heard you’re going to become a 1._____,like me! This is great news! Susan:Thanks,Ken,but I’m not so sure.The idea of becoming a boarder really 2._____ me. Ken:But why I think it will be so much fun! Susan:Well,I’ve never been away from home and I’m afraid I can’t 3._____. Ken:Don’t be afraid! Think of it as 4._____ university life,and a way of learning to be independent.You can also turn to your friends,tutors or classmates for help. Susan:I suppose that’s true.But I’m also worried that I might have 5._____ to my roommates.Also,what if my roommates aren’t very pleasant to live with Ken:In my experience,it’s a good idea to communicate openly with your roommates and find solutions to problems that 6.munication and compromise are important to group living. Susan:That’s true.But here’s another thing:I will have to follow a strict 7._____.I’m concerned that I’ll no longer be able to 8._____ my friends as much as I used to. Ken:Perhaps you could join some clubs There are lots of clubs and activities after lessons,and you could make new friends. Susan:That does sound exciting...But I suppose that I will 9._____ a lot. Ken:All boarders feel like that at first.How about calling them and having video chats?And I’m sure the weekends and holidays will 10._____ before you know it. Susan:Thank you,Ken.You’ve really set my mind at ease. Ken:I think you’ll really like boarding.No matter what difficulties you might encounter,when you look back,life as a boarder will be one of your most 11._____ memories. Susan:I hope so! I really want to make the most of my time at boarding school. Ken:Good luck with everything,and let me know if you have 12._____. Susan:Thank you.I will. Ⅲ.Listen to the conversation on P8 and choose the best answer.(高考形式) 1.What are the two speakers talking about A.The mother.  B.The photos.  C.The growth. 2.Which is the mother’s favorite picture A.The photo taken when he started school. B.The photo taken when he said his first word. C.The photo taken when he first learned to walk. Ⅳ.Listen to the conversation again on P8 and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.(精听训练) Student 1:Yesterday,I was looking at some old photos at home with Mom.They brought back some really 1._____ for both of us. Student 2:Oh,like what?Learning to walk and saying your first word Student 1:Yes,like that ... ...

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