ID: 21405448

外研版2019选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Growing up Developing ideas课件(共28页)+导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-10-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:27次 大小:3160191B 来源:二一课件通
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    Section Ⅵ Developing ideas Step 1 速读———整体理解文意 Ⅰ.明文章大意 What is the main idea of the passage A.Improve yourself and become a better person. B.Adults have no responsibility to understand the children. C.The narrator’s drawings and people’s reactions to them. D.Children should communicate with adults more to understand them well. Ⅱ.悉篇章结构 Complete the structure of the passage. Step 2 细读———深度获取细节 1.What’s the source of The Little Prince A.It was inspired by a book called True Stories from Nature. B.It was inspired by the primeval forest. C.It was an inspiration from the author’s plane crash. D.It was an inspiration from a boa constrictor swallowing an animal. 2.What did the narrator think of his first drawing A.It was frightening. B.It was amazing. C.It was beautiful. D.It was admirable. 3.What was the grown ups’ response to the second drawing A.They thought he failed to draw it well and asked him to put it aside. B.They advised him to pay special attention to his geography,history,arithmetic and grammar. C.They suggested he give up drawing and devote himself to the academic subjects. D.They didn’t believe he would succeed in drawing. 4.Why was the narrator unwilling to explain his Drawing Number One if they said his drawing was a hat A.He wanted to be a sensible man. B.It was tiresome to explain to them. C.He would like to talk about bridge,golf and politics. D.He thought the boa constrictors were very frightening. 5.What may this passage be taken from A.A science fiction novel. B.A newspaper. C.A story book. D.A magazine. Step 3 读后———课文语法填空 When I was six years old,I 1._____(success) in making my first picture,after having read the book 2._____(call) True Stories from Nature and pondered 3._____(deep).But to my disappointment,when showed to the grown ups,the picture was misunderstood.They all thought of the picture of a boa constrictor 4._____(digest) an elephant as a hat.I had to make another drawing,because they need to have things explained.This time,5._____,they advised me 6._____(be) devoted to geography,history,arithmetic and grammar.I had to give 7._____ my early dream.And I chose another profession.In the course of my life,I have had many 8._____(encounter) with people who have been concerned with matters of consequence.The result was 9._____ no one was a person of true understanding,and that I was regarded as a 10._____(sense) man. Ⅰ.补句子 析结构 1.Once when I was six years old I _____(see) a magnificent picture in a book,called True Stories from Nature,_____ the primeval forest.(P10 Para.1) 结构分析:此句为_____句。when引导_____从句;called True Stories from Nature是过去分词短语作_____,修饰_____。 汉语翻译:_____ 2.After that they are not able to move,and they sleep _____ the six months that they need for _____(digest).(P10 Para.2) 结构分析:此句为_____句。and连接两个并列句,第二个分句中,that引导_____从句,修饰先行词_____,在从句中 ... ...

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