ID: 21409094


日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:40次 大小:550492B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Revison 必修一课本重点句式 B1 Welcome Unit find + 宾语 + 宾补 I found most of my friends and teachers friendly and helpful. 我发现多数朋友和老师都很友好,并且乐于助人。 She found her job very boring. She made him her assistant. He found the place without difficulty. I found her lying on the ground. I have my hair cut. B1 Welcome Unit find + 宾语 + 宾补 I found most of my friends and teachers friendly and helpful. 我发现多数朋友和老师都很友好,并且乐于助人。 make/have/ B1 Welcome Unit find + 宾语 + 宾补 I found it difficult to learn English well. 我发现学好英语很难。 make/have/ 形式宾语it + to do (不定式为真正宾语) B1 Welcome Unit find + 宾语 + 宾补 I found it difficult to learn English well. 我发现学好英语很难。 make/have/find + it(形式宾语)+ 宾补 + to do sth(真正宾语) B1 Welcome Unit find + 宾语 + 宾补 1.单句语法填空 ①Even the best writers sometimes find themselves _____(lose)for words. ②Dick found himself _____(walk)in the direction of Mike's place. ③When he came to himself,he found himself _____(lie)in hospital. 2.完成句子 After wandering around,we _____ _____ _____ at the hotel. 我们四处漫步后发现自己不知不觉回到了旅馆。 lost walking lying found ourselves back B1 Welcome Unit find + 宾语 + 宾补 She found _____ much safer to use cash. The kids found it hard _____ (stay) quiet. He found it hard _____ (concentrate) on his study. I was so frightened at that time. I found myself _____ (able) to speak. I coundn’t make any sound. I found her _____ (lie) on the ground. We found the lost child _____ (abandon) but unharmed. Many people have made _____ a rule to travel once a year. it to stay to concentrate unable lying abandoned it I take notes while listening and reading. 句型:连词+ done / doing, + 主句 (when/while/although/unless/if/once/even if) 主语 B1 Welcome Unit 从属连词 + doing I take notes while listening and reading. 句型:连词+ done / doing, + 主句 (when/while/although/unless/if/once/even if) 主语 B1 Welcome Unit 从属连词 + doing 错误例句×:When listening to music, the phone rang. I take notes while listening and reading. 句型:连词+ done / doing, + 主句 (when/while/although/unless/if/once/even if) 主语 B1 Welcome Unit 从属连词 + doing I take notes while listening and reading. 句型:连词+ done / doing, + 主句 (when/while/although/unless/if/once/even if) 主语 B1 Welcome Unit 从属连词 + doing if possible 如果可能的话 as planned 按计划 than expected 比预料的要更... if necesary 如果必要的话 if any 如果有的话 if so如果这样的话 if ever 如果曾经有的话 if not如果不这样的话 I take notes while listening and reading. 句型:连词+ done / doing, + 主句 (when/while/although/unless/if/once/even if) 主语 B1 Welcome Unit 从属连词 + doing Practice: 语法填空 1. When _____(see) the movie, we were all amazed at the fantastic 3D effect. 2. If _____(allow), you can take a leave whenever you want. 3. Although _____ (tire), we still keep on studying. 4. If _____ (necessity), you can co ... ...

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