ID: 21428572

高中英语牛津译林版(2019)必修 第二册课时测评作业1(4份打包,学生版+ 答案版)

日期:2024-10-11 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:91次 大小:7785626B 来源:二一课件通
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    【小题夯基】 1.She performed all her duties carefully.履行 2.A complex engine has many separate parts,each performing a different function.行使(某种功能) 3.He didn’t perform well in his exams.表现 4.Thousands of people paid good money to watch the band perform.表演 1.It’s especially important to take notes either by writing or typing(打字),in order to actively get information as you receive it. 2.Brand has been working at clubs and pubs since 1986,developing his comedy (喜剧) act. 3.A chess player must have a fertile imagination and rich sense of fantasy (幻想). 4.Physical activity is an important factor (因素) in maintaining fitness. 5.Please remember to enclose a stamped addressed envelope (信封) when writing. 6.Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual (视觉的) art. 7.People were swimming in the ocean (海洋) despite the hurricane warning. 8.The study programme concentrates more on group work rather than lectures (讲座). 9.The software enables (使能够) you to access the Internet in seconds. 10.The builders adopted a wise alternative approach (方法) to carrying the heavy stone. 1.I am writing to express my interest in your advertised position as a secretary.Here I would like to introduce myself briefly (brief). 2.Actually (actual),China has various kinds of delicious food,including a wide variety of local snacks. 3.Charity work,which is still at an early stage in the country,is not familiar to them. 4.Many people prefer living in the country to living in the city. 5.We need to try other approaches to solving the problem. 6.The student was__awarded (award) for his good result in the contest. 7.People like to watch performances(perform) of this unique folk dance. 8.Mountain climbing must be very tiring.In addition,you might feel sick with the air getting thinner. 利用本课时所学知识补全短文并尝试背诵   In film-making,most of the work takes place 1.behind__the__scenes (在幕后) and people 2.are not familiar with (不熟悉) it. 3.__To__begin__with(首先),many sound effects might not be made 4.__in__the__way__you__would__expect(你期望的方式).In Jurassic Park,the sounds of different animals were mixed by a computer.As for visual special effects,CGI has been 5.frequently__used__in__film-making(在电影制作方面经常使用).The Quidditch scenes in the Harry Potter films were made 6.with__the__actors__jumping__up__and__down(演员们跳上跳下)in front of a green screen.Props also 7.contribute__to__a__film’s__success (促成一部电影的成功).Director James Cameron 8.spent__six__months__looking__at__and__revising_ _plans (花六个月的时间研究和修改计划)of the Titanic to build a full-sized model for his 1997 film. 【大题提能】 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A   Venice Film Festival   The Venice Film Festival takes place every year in late August or early September on the Lido in the historic Palazzo del Cinema, in Venice, Italy.Its main award is the “Leone d’Oro” (Golden Lion).Recently, a new award has been added, the San Marco Awar ... ...

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