ID: 21428578

牛津译林版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Exploring literature课时测评作业(4份打包,学生版 +答案版)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:100次 大小:7265670B 来源:二一课件通
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    【小题夯基】 appeal vi.有呼吸引力;申诉;呼吁;恳求 n.吸引力;申诉; 呼吁 1.There is no right of appeal against the decision.n.申诉 2.The prisoner appealed to the judge for恳求 3.Police have appealed for witnesses to come呼吁 1.Amazingly,the robots are capable (有能力) of sailing the high seas without human’s help. 2.Some of us are sensitive (敏感的) to smells,while others find colours easier to remember. 3.He dedicated himself body and soul (内心) to the education of young men. 4.When the sun’s rays hit the earth,a lot of the heat is reflected (反射) back into space. 5.The country launched (发动) a national campaign against air pollution. 6.Although this drink doesn’t contain (包含) any alcohol,it isn’t fit for children. 7.The teacher asked the students to write down the summary (总结) of the class on paper. 8.The most distinguishing feature (特色) of Korean food is the spiciness. 9.The author (作者) earned his fame through several popular tales of adventure. 10.She already had a lot of experience and therefore (因此) seemed the best candidate for the job. 1.Below is a description (describe) of a simple scientific experiment. 2.On no account can we ignore the significance (significant) of education. 3.The president was devoted to creating (create) a peaceful world. 4.Tony,you should reflect on/upon what you did during your English class. 5.I do not think jogging appeals to me very much. 6.I believe my son is capable of being admitted to Zhejiang University. 7.Determined (determine) to look after his parents well,he moved to live with them. 8.During the discussion he drew upon/on historical evidence to support his point of view. 利用本课时所学知识补全短文并尝试背诵   She was a great scientist who 1.devoted__all__her__life__to__protecting__wild_ animals(一生致力于保护野生动物).2.What__moved__me__most(最让我感动的)was her devotion to her work.The young woman got into a situation 3.where__she__had__to__turn__to__others__for__help(不得不向他人求助)later.To change the terrible situation,4.she__appealed__to__everyone__to__take__action(她呼吁每个人行动起来).Thanks to her,5.people__attach__more__significance__to__ protecting__wild__animals__now(现在人们更加重视野生动物保护了). 【大题提能】 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Chinese Culture Day of Confucius Institute held in Egypt   The Chinese Culture Day of Confucius Institute in Cairo University was held for the first time at the Egyptian National Museum in the capital’s Tahrir Square on Monday,Oct. 8,2018.A teacher from Confucius Institute in Cairo University performs Wushu. Meanwhile,a woman performs Chinese calligraphy(书法) and a student from Confucius Institute in Cairo University performs Chinese folk dance. Chinese opera legends make the UK stage return   People in the UK will have an opportunity to enjoy Chinese culture when the China National Peking Opera Company returns to the country for the fourth time for a series of workshops and performances.   Activities will be ... ...

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