ID: 21440194

人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Listening and Speaking 教学设计

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:91次 大小:13389B 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson Plan:Festivals and Celebrations -Listening and Speaking Class Grade:High School Subject:English Language Topic:Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Objective:By the end of the class,students will be able to discuss various festivals and celebrations,share their own experiences,and understand di fferent cultural practices related to festivals.Improve listening and speaking skills. Materials Needed: ( · )Images of different festivals(optional) ·Whiteboard and markers ( · )Audio recording of festival celebrations (optional) Procedure: 1.Warm-up Activity(10 minutes): Begin with a quick discussion about festivals.Ask students to name as many festivals as they can think of and write them on the board. ( · )Ask students to share their favorite festival and why they enjoy it. 2.Listening Activity(15 minutes): Play an audio clip of festival celebrations from different cultures (if avai lable). After listening,ask students to describe what they heard and which festi val they think it was. ( · )Discuss the emotions and atmosphere associated with festivals. 3.3.Vocabulary Building(10 minutes): Introduce new vocabulary related to festivals(e.g.,celebration,tradition, harvest,parade,costume). ( · )Students work in pairs to create sentences using the new vocabulary. 4.Speaking Activity:Festival Descriptions(20 minutes): ( · )Divide students into small groups. Assign each group a different festival to research and prepare a short pre sentation about. Each group should discuss the origins,traditions,and significance of the ir assigned festival. ( · )Groups present their findings to the class. 5.Interactive Activity:Find Someone Who(10 minutes): Create a large table on the board with columns for different festival expe riences(e.g., 参加过春节游行的,请站起来;曾经在节日里穿过传统服 装的,请站起来). Students move around the class,finding someone who fits each descripti on,and then share their findings with the class. 6.Discussion:Festivals in Different Cultures(15 minutes): Facilitate a class discussion about how festivals are celebrated in differe nt cultures. Encourage students to share their own experiences with festivals and ho w they compare to those in other cultures. 7.Wrap-up Activity:Inventing a New Festival(15 minutes): In groups,students are tasked with creating a new festival that combines elements of different cultures or addresses a current issue. Each group presents their new festival idea to the class,explaining the p urpose,traditions,and celebrations of the festival. 8.Reflection and Feedback(5 minutes) Ask students to reflect on what they learned about festivals and celebrati ons today. Collect feedback on what they enjoyed and what they found challenging. Assessment: ( · )Participation in discussions and activities (50%) ( · )Group presentation on assigned festival(30%) ( · )Creation of a new festival idea (20%) Differentiation: Provide additional support to students who struggle with speaking by pai ring them with more confident ... ...

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