ID: 21452802

【课时基础练】Unit 2 Hobbies Readin Ⅱ 译林版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:78次 大小:25728B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Reading Ⅱ  Amy在校外遇见了她的小学同学。请你根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 (1)Hi, Mary. You (改变) a lot. (2) (生活) is full of new things to learn. (3)It’s (真正的) that we are different now. (4)I want to be a(n) (科学家) like Yuan Longping. (5)You can enjoy yourself in the art (博物馆). 【基础堂清】 一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 fix life endless  dream fan 1.There are stars in the sky. 2.—Can you help me the window —Sure. 3. Daniel thinks science is cool and changes people’s . 4.I want to have a good every day. 5.The pop singer has many . 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 6.科学就在我们周围。 Science all us. 7. 他为什么如此喜欢动物 Why does he like animals 8.通过这种方式,他了解电脑是如何工作的。 this , he learns how the computer works. 9.我用刀切东西。 I the knife cut things. 10.Jane喜欢小孩,而且善于和小孩相处。 Jane likes kids and she kids. 11.Daniel在网上找答案。Daniel the answer on the internet. 三、按要求完成句子 12.I enjoy walking in the park when I have time. (改为同义句) I enjoy walking in the park . 13.Simon likes Maths because he is interested in numbers. (对画线部分提问) Simon like Maths 14.He uses the dictionary to look up new words. (对画线部分提问) he look up new words 15.He often visits science museum. (改为同义句) He often to science museum a visit. 【素养日清】 四、阅读理解 Jack is interested in science a lot. He always goes to visit the science museum in his free time. 16._____ There is a map of the museum in front of the door. Visitors have to read it before traveling around. 17._____ On the first floor, people can see a lot of interesting science experiments (实验). We can try them all ourselves. 18. When we try them, we can learn a lot of new things. Then we can go to the second floor. There we can see how computers work. 19. We can see some very old and very new cars. On the top floor, we can look at how our bodies work. 20._____ Isn’t the museum interesting Why not go to the science museum yourself 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填空文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。 A.It is great fun to try them. B.Here is something about the museum. C.With it, people can find their way easily. D.I think it’s interesting to know our bodies. E.On the same floor, we can learn about the car. 五、完形填空Mrs Li is a nice woman.  21  is 38 years old. She works in No. 18 Middle School. She is a Chinese teacher. Her classes are always  22 , so her students like her very much. She is busy from Monday to Friday  23  she has classes every day. In her  24  time, Mrs Li likes doing  25  things:reading and playing sports. It is  26  today. She doesn’t go to school. In the morning, she goes to a library. There are many good  27  in it. She  28  a book about traveling. She wants to  29  the world during her holiday. Then in the afternoon, she goes to a(n)  30  club. There she plays ping-pong and basketball  31  two hours. She thinks they are  32  for her health. She  33  has a good time ... ...

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