ID: 21499709


日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:41次 大小:25299B 来源:二一课件通
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2025年中考英语外研版第三轮专项组合训练17(完形+阅读还原+阅读填空+写作) 话题:丰富、充实、积极向上的生活 一、完形填空 I used to think that education was the most important thing in my life. Recently my thinking has begun to change, although I still think that it is very 1._____ for everyone in the world today. As a top junior student in my college, I was asked to give a(n) 2._____ on how to learn English well. When I was standing in front of the listeners and facing so many new students, I felt very 3._____. I even didn’t remember any words that I had prepared. I ran out of the meeting room without finishing my speech, leaving everyone puzzled(疑惑的). I was so sad that night, 4._____ that I was a loser. Studying takes up so much of my time that I feel I can’t really develop myself. I am just trying to get more knowledge, but I 5._____ to communicate with others. I have done well in my study at college, which I was very proud of, but it doesn’t 6._____ reflect anything about me. I don’t know how to 7._____ the relationships with people around me. When I leave school, I fear I will be of no use to society. I have realized that everyone has his own way of living. I want to 8._____ my ways of living. Of course, I will keep studying. But I plan to look for a part-time job, which might turn out to be 9._____ for me to get to know about the society. I still believe that working hard makes me 10._____. I will still stay in college, but I will not allow it to protect me from the real world. ( )1. A. meaningless B. common C. necessary D. exciting ( )2. A. speech B. idea C. introduction D. mind ( )3. A. excited B. nervous C. proud D. relaxed ( )4. A. feeling B. refusing C. forgetting D. avoiding ( )5. A. hope B. dare C. fail D. want ( )6. A. exactly B. slowly C. easily D. hard ( )7. A. find out B. deal with C. think of D. depend on ( )8. A. keep B. influence C. change D. find ( )9. A. helpful B. useless C. easy D. hard ( )10. A. angry B. happy C. bored D. mad 二、阅读还原 What can you do when you don’t want to do homework You know it has to be done, but it’s the last thing you want to do. How can you deal with the problem 1. _____ Set goals for yourself. Your goals don’t have to be big. In fact, the smaller, the better. Start by setting goals you can reach easily. Make a plan and write it down. 2. _____ Because written words make it harder to forget. Once you write it down, it’s easier to carry it out. 3. _____ Do it first because it needs a fresh mind. You often dislike it if you find your homework difficult. But if you try your best and finish it, you’ll have a sense of achievement. Use rewards(奖励)to mark your progress. If you have completed part of your homework, you could take a break. 4. _____ Or you could even “allow” yourself to go to a movie on Friday. Ask your parents for help. If you don’t ask, your parents will never know what trouble you have. So they won’t be able to give you helpful advice. These suggestions above could wo ... ...

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