ID: 21460454

Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Review 单元测试卷(含答案解析)人教版八年级英语上册

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:78次 大小:549316B 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 八上U9 Review 一、单词默写。 1.悬挂;垂下 v._____过_____ 2.考试 n._____ 3.有空的;可获得的 adj._____ 4.流感;流行性感冒 n._____ 5.及时赶上;接住 v._____过_____ 6.到...时;直到...为止 conj.&prep._____ 7.为...做准备 _____ 8.邀请 v._____ 9.去看医生_____ 10.其他时间;别的时间_____ 11.接受 v._____ 12.拒绝 v._____ 13.前天 _____ 14.后天 _____ 15.工作日 n_____ 16.回答;答复 v._____ 17.照料;照顾_____ 18.拒绝_____ 19.邀请;请柬 n._____ 20.再见 n. _____ 21.转寄v.&adv.向前 _____ 22.删除 v._____ 23.准备;准备工作n._____ 24.打印;印刷 v. _____ 25.(令人)悲伤的 adj._____ 26.去旅行_____ 27.高兴;愿意adj._____ 28.胶水 n._____ 29.开幕式 n._____ 30.音乐会n._____ 31.(帮助...)分担工作_____ 32.惊奇的 adj._____ 33.大事;公开活动 n._____ 34.客人;宾客 n. _____ 35.日历;日程表 n._____ 36.白天;日间 n. _____ 37.没有;不(做某事) prep. _____ 38.盼望;期待 _____ 39.接到(某人的)信、电话等_____ 二、词汇运用。 1.I have a lot of things to do, so I'm not a  . 2.I had to stay at home on weekends this month because I    (hang)out with my friends late last time. 3.Brenda spent all day   (准备)the meal. 4.When will you finish    (play) the piano 5.What are you planning   (do) this winter holiday 6.Today is my birthday, There are many   (客人) here. 7.I am    (surprise) at the news. 8.The final exam is coming. How are you getting on with your    (prepare) 9.Air is so important that no one can live w   it. 10.I asked Mary why she did that thing, and she    (reply) to me quickly. 三、连词成句。 1.I, went, we, remember, riding, bike, last fall, together_____. 2.Sam, leaving, next Wednesday, until, isn’t_____. 3.hang, you, can, with, on Monday night, out, us_____, to, helped, she, improve, my, so, English, much_____. 5.I, about, have, already, that, a, how, idea, great, to, do _____. 四、单选。 ( )1. Peter is looking forward _____ his grandparents this winter holiday. A.visit B.visiting visit visiting ( )2. -I am going to your invitation on Sunday and go bike riding with you. -Sounds great! A.accept B.receive C.refuse D.delete ( )3. Mr. Smith gave me a map I wouldn't get lost. soon as B.even if C.refuse D.delete ( )4. Today is Sunday. _____ is Tuesday. A.Tomorrow B.Yesterday C.The day before yesterday D.The day after tomorrow ( )5. -Jack, let's meet at 7o'clock in the evening. -OK. _____. A. I'm afraid I can't B.That's bad C.I don't think so D.Catch you later ( )6. The students are very_____ at the_____ news. A.surprised; surprising B.surprising; surprised C.surprised; surprised D.surprising; surprising ( )7. ﹣Hi, Cindy. The Old Man and the sea by Hemingway will be _____ this weekend. ﹣Thanks. I'll go and get it then. A.educational B.full C.available D.possible ( )8.When we are busy with our schoolwork, we may need to turn down a(n) _____. B.preparation C.invitation D.pollution ( )9. The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation(一带一路国际合作高峰论坛) is a great _____around the world. A.c ... ...

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