ID: 21462804

Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 同步培优 (含答案)人教版八年级上册

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:40次 大小:131220B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake 【悟情境·知考点】 考点1 cut up的用法 情境呈现 Cut up the bananas. 考点精讲 cut up意为“切碎”,为“动词 + 副词”型短语,当其宾语为代词时,代词必须放在cut和up中间。例如: I’m going to cut up the beef for dumplings. Could you help me cut it up 拓展延伸 与cut相关的短语: 任务1 巩固cut up的用法 子任务1~2 翻译短语 1.砍倒 2.切碎 子任务3~4 根据汉语提示补全句子,一空一词 3.你可以帮我将这些蔬菜切碎吗 Can you help me to these vegetables 4.These pears are too big. You should (把它们切碎). 子任务5 连词成句 5.them, peel, up, the bananas, cut, and _____. 考点2 turn on的用法 情境呈现 Turn on the light, please.It’s getting dark and I can see almost nothing. 考点精讲 turn on意为“打开”,为“动词+副词”型短语,当其后的宾语为名词时,该名词放在副词前后均可;当其后的宾语为代词时,该代词必须放在动词和副词之间。例如: —Mom, may I turn on the TV/turn the TV on —Yes. If you finish your homework, you can turn it on. 拓展延伸 (1)与turn相关的短语: (2)辨析turn on与open turn on多指接通水、电流、煤气,打开电视等,其反义短语是turn off。 open多指打开门、窗、柜子、盒子、抽屉、书本等,其反义词是close。 任务2 巩固turn on的用法 子任务6~7 翻译短语 6.打开电视 7.打开你们的课本 子任务8~9 根据汉语提示完成句子 8.Mr. Black will (打开) the air conditioner as soon as he gets home. 9.请先把房间的灯打开好吗 Could you please the light in the room first 子任务10 连词成句 10.blender, on, please, the, turn _____. 考点3 prepare的用法 情境呈现 I’m sure you will win the game, after all, you have prepared well for it. 考点精讲 prepare为动词,意为“把……预备好;准备”,常用的搭配: 例如: Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. He took out a piece of paper and prepared to write a letter. My mother is preparing dinner for us in the kitchen. 拓展延伸 preparation为名词,意为“准备;准备工作”。例如: The Smiths are making preparations for this trip. 任务3 巩固prepare的用法 子任务11~12 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 11.It’s necessary to make good (prepare) before having a party. 12.I’m not available because I have to (preparation) for the coming exam. 子任务13~14 根据汉语提示完成句子 13.Tom remembered my birthday and (准备) a nice gift for me. 14.I make good (准备) for the party. Please come on time! 子任务15 根据汉语提示补全句子,一空一词 15.我们每个人都在为即将到来的英语考试做准备。 Each of us is the coming English exam. 子任务16 连词成句 16.have to, English, prepare, exam, I, for, the _____. 考点4 fill with的用法 情境呈现 Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix. 考点精讲 fill...with...意为“用……装满……”,还可用be filled with结构,相当于be full of。例如: She filled the glass with wine. The sky is filled with stars. Life is full of exciting things. 拓展延伸 【图解助记】 任务4 巩固fill with的用法 子任务17 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 17.The bottle on the table is (fill) with water. 子任务18 用恰当的介词填空 18.The bag filled books is mine. 子任务19 中译英 19.请把杯子里面装满水。(fill...with...) _____ 子任务20 改为同义句,一空一词 20.The bottle is filled ... ...

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