ID: 21462805

Unit 9 Can you come to my party?同步培优(含解析)2024-2025学年英语人教版八年级上册

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:86次 大小:82201B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 9 Can you come to my party 【悟情境·知考点】 考点1 情态动词can表示邀请时的用法 情境呈现 Can you come to my party on Saturday 考点精讲 情态动词can可以表示邀请。表示邀请时,could比can更礼貌、更委婉。对于用情态动词can发出的邀请,回答时主要有两种情况: (1)接受邀请可回答: Sure, I’d love/like to. Yes, I’d love/like to. Of course, I’d love/like to. Certainly, I’d love/like to. That sounds great. (2)拒绝邀请可回答: Sorry, I can’t. I have to... I’m sorry. I must... Sorry. I’m not available. I might... I’d love/like to, but... 拓展延伸 任务1 巩固情态动词can表示邀请时的用法 子任务1~2 情景交际 1.—Can you go to the library with me, Lily — . I’m busy now. 2.—Hi, Emma. Can you come to my party — .Do I need to buy any drinks for the party 子任务3 根据汉语提示完成句子 3.—Can you come to my party this Sunday, Kelly —Sorry. .(我必须照顾我的弟弟) 子任务4 同义句转换 4.Can you come over to my house you to come over to my house 考点2 invite的用法 情境呈现 I invited her to sing together, but she didn’t agree. 考点精讲 invite作动词,意为“邀请”,常见用法: 例如: My best friend invited me to her birthday party. Yesterday Anna invited me to watch the film. 拓展延伸 invitation n.请柬;请帖;邀请 任务2 巩固invite的用法 子任务5~6 根据汉语或首字母提示填空 5.He wants to i me to his birthday party. 6.Thank you so much for your (邀请). 子任务7~8 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 7.I’m very excited because Peter invited me (go)on a trip to Mount Tai. 8.I’m sorry to refuse your (invite). I have too much work to do this weekend. 子任务9 根据汉语提示补全句子,一空一词 9.昨天Helen邀请我和她一起吃晚饭。 Helen me dinner with her yesterday. 子任务10 同义句转换 10.Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for . 考点3 until的用法 情境呈现 Oh, but Sam isn’t leaving until next Wednesday. 考点精讲 (1)until 意为“到……时;直到……为止”,可作介词和连词。例如: Last night she didn’t go to bed until 11:00.(作介词) He didn’t stop working until he died.(作连词) (2)当until用于肯定句时,与延续性动词连用,表示动作或状态一直持续到某时为止。 例如: I watched TV until 11 o’clock last night. (3)当until与短暂性动词连用时,常用于否定句,与not构成“not...until”结构,表示“直到……才……”。例如: I didn’t go to sleep until 11 o’clock last night. watch TV(延续性) go to sleep(短暂性) (4)until引导的时间状语从句,常用一般现在时表示将来。例如: He will stay here until his mother comes back. 拓展延伸 until与before 在多数情况下可以互换,两者意义差异不大。例如: The students won’t go home until/before they finish their homework. 任务3 巩固until的用法 子任务11 用恰当的连词填空 11.I didn’t go to bed my mother came back last night. 子任务12~13 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 12.I (study) until midnight last night, so I didn’t get enough sleep. 13.He won’t go to school until his mother (come) back. 子任务14 根据汉语提示补全句子 14.他直到六岁才能上学。 He go to school 6 years old. 考点4 交际用语“What’s today ”的用法 情境呈现 —What’s today —It’s Friday, 20th. 考点精讲  ———What’s today ”常用来 ... ...

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