ID: 21479733

Unit 2 Hobbies Reading 检测 2024-2025学年译林版(2024)七年级英语上册(无答案)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:89次 大小:24429B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Hobbies 第 2 课 时 Reading(1) 一、根据句意和汉语提示,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式 1.My (梦想)is to be a scientist one day. 2.It's (确实的)that he is a fan of the technology. 3.Now I can help fix things (围绕,环绕)the house. 4.He wants to be a (科学家)one day to help more people in poor areas. 5.At home,he likes to take (分开)the machines and learn how they work. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Before (read),think about what you want to learn about. 2.Daniel is one of my new (friend). 3.Mike wants (be)a doctor like his father. 4.He has (end)questions to ask,but his father never gets impatient. 5.Mary often (visit)the museum near her home,though there are always many people, 三、单项选择 ( )1.All of us can our lives by hard work. A.change change C.changing D.changes ( )2.Mr Wang teaches Science.We like class very much. A.we;his;her C,us;his;her ( )3.— does your father go to the sports centre —Twice a week. A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How many ( )4.—If you try hard,your dream will —Yes,I A.come true;will truly;will C.come true;do true;do ( )5.Lily likes lo goes on the internet music. listen B.listens listen to D.listens to 四、根据所给汉语补全下列句子 1.他认为科学是很酷的。 He thinks 2.对他来说参观科学博物馆很有乐趣。 It is 3.在家时,他喜欢把东西拆开,研究它们的工作原理。 At home,he likes to 4.在迈克的空闲时间,他读很多书。 In his free time,Mike 5.我相信他的梦想会成真。 I'm sure 四、完形填空 Good afternoon,boys and girls!I 1 your new English teacher.I'm from the USA. 2 name is Sam Green. Every day in China is great to me,and I 3 have a good time here.Now I will tell you something about my life.Look!This is a photo of my 4 .You can see 5 people in the photo.Let me introduce them to you.Yes,this is me,That is my wife.She 6 strong and she is good at ball games.She is a 7 too.But she doesn't teach English,She teaches History.She doesn't work in my 8 .I'm in No.1 Middle School and she is in No.2 Middle School. We have two children.This is our 9.He is Jim.And that is our daughter.Her 10 is Gina.They are twins.They are in my school,but in different 11 Jim is in Class 3,Grade 7,and Gina is in Class 7,Grade 7.Jim likes 12 very much.After school he often plays basketball 13 his classmates.But Gina doesn't like being outside.She likes 14 books. We also have a dog,It isn't in the photo.Do you know what 15 it is It is black and white ( ) C.are ( )2.A.I B.Me C.My D.Mine ( )3.A.never B.always C.seldom D.sometimes ( ) B.home ( )5.A.five B.four C,three D.two ( )6,A.looks C.shows D.enjoys ( )7.A.player B.teacher D.worker ( ) B.class ( ) B,father C.son D.uncle ( )10.A.classmate B.hero C.hobby ( )11.A.schools B.lessons C.classes D.grades ( ) B.writing ( ) B.with C.after ( )14.A.looking B.seeing C.watching D.reading ( )15.A.colour B.class C.age D.kind ... ...

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