ID: 21479735

译林版(2024)七年级英语上册Unit 2 Hobbies Assessment 检测(无答案)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:14次 大小:27430B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Hobbies Assessment &Further study 一、根据句意和汉语提示,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式 1.I can (描述)Daniel's and his classmates' looks to you. 2.Millie's favourite subject is (地理). 3. (排球运动)is quite popular with young people these days. 4.Everything that you learn (成为)a part of you and changes you. 5.It is said that the robots can take care of the old at home in the near (未来). 二、用方框中所给单词或词组的适当形式填空 share in all both of each make 1.Our school has 30 classrooms 2. of them has a computer and they are all good at Computer Science. 3.We plan _ideas about painting in the cafe on Wednesday. 4.Doing sport me healthy and feel happy. 5. the twins like Chinese food very much. 三、单项选择 ( )1.She always has a good time the violin every day.She thinks it's fun it.;doing B.playing;doing play;doing D.playing;to do ( )2.Tom other boys, playing computer games.;like;likes C.likes;like D.likes;likes ( )3.一 does your dad go fishing —Once a week. A.How many B.How often C.How much D.How far ( )4. Simon and Daniel play games together A.Does B.Do C.Is D.Are ( )5.—Who is man in a black hat —It's Jim Brown.We often play basketball together in our free time.;a B.a;/ C.the;a D.the;/ 四、根据所给汉语补全下列句子 ( 1.你弟弟放学后喜欢做什么 ) ( ) 。 2.我知道为什么爱好对我们有好处。 I know 3.李老师的课很有趣,所以她很受学生们欢迎。 Miss Li's class ,so she is 4.我的绘画技巧帮我很多。 My painting skills 5.他们经常谈论排球比赛。 They often 五、阅读理解 My son Lin Tao is 11 years old.He is a tall boy.He is a student at Yucai Middle School. He loves table tennis and he is good at it.He often plays table tennis with his classmates after school,The training makes him strong.After training,he enjoys watching table tennis games on TV. I am a worker and I also play table tennis.I play it because my son enjoys playing it and I want to be his partner(搭档) At weekends,I go to a table tennis club with my son.There are many players there.They are friendly.Sometimes,we play table tennis with other players. I think it is a good sport.It helps me feel good.In my eyes,my son plays better than me.But in his eyes,I am a better player.I hope my son will play in the national team in the future. ( )1.How old is Lin Tao A.He is l1. B.He is 12. C.He is 13. D.He is 14. ( )2.What does Lin Tao look A.He is short. B.He is tall. CHe is fat. D.He has long hair. ( )3.What does Lin Tao like doing after table tennis training A.Watching TV.B.Having dinner.C.Reading books.D.Singing songs. ( )4.Why does the father play table tennis A.Because he loves it. B.Because his son loves it. C.Because his wife loves it. D.Because he is a PE teacher. ( )5.When do Lin Tao and his father go to a table tennis club A.Every day after school. B.On Monday afternoon. C.On Tuesday morning. D.At weekends. 六、首字母短文填空 I live in a big family.I want to introduce one of my family m 1 to you,Let me t 2 you something about my aunt Mary.She is thirty years old.She ... ...

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