ID: 21484624

译林版(2024)七年级上册Unit 2 Hobbies 课件(67张PPT)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:74次 大小:6279568B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Hobbies Welcome to the unit Reading Daniel: a fan of science 在他的空闲时间里 动词不定式to do 表目的 无被动 To是介词 Why he loves science Thinks science is cool and_____our lives What he often does Visits (3)_____ _____ _____how things work Reads many science books Finds answers to his questions on the_____ His dream Wants to be a (6) _____ Because he thinks it’s all around us and changes our lives He gets to see all kinds of things and learn a lot At home he likes to take things apart and learn how they work Answers to his endless questions He wants to be a scientist one day 用这种方法 By the way 顺便问一下 擅长做某事 Use sth to do 其他方法 Grammar 含实义动词的一般现在时 ……的使用 频率副词 定语从句 助动词 助动词提前 loves reads plays watches goes flies dances wants Does No she doesn’t Does No she doesn’t Does No he doesn’t like Paint sth +颜色 knows helps Do like goes Do go loves doesn’t like goes watches 看我们游泳 Pronunciation 帽子 Happy bad get well listen swim clock often Club fun Integration 机器人 地理 体育俱乐部 Each+名词单数 笔记 总共 在具体某一天用介词on 在会议上 每个周五下午 喜欢做某事 使某人做某事 听起来不错 计划做某事 对……感兴趣 两者都…… 度过愉快时光 要求某人做某事 ……的结果 用自己信息完成 Questions Sandy Me When do you do it After school. Why do you like it It makes me feel happy.It is great fun. Who is your role model Xu Beihong. How can your hobby help you My dream is to design beautiful clothes. My painting skills can help me a lot. 帮很多 榜样 关于……的文章 I like/love/enjoy ... I often play ... Every week/day, I ... I play/go/do ... after school. ... makes me feel happy/good/great. ... can help make my dream come true. Assessment Further study

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