ID: 21498553

考点巩固卷12 代词(含答案与解析)2025年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:20次 大小:97642B 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 考点巩固卷12 代词 最新高考真题 1.(2024年浙江卷1月·语法填空)Who knows, perhaps some of the more forward-looking _____ (one) may yet come out with a whole range of “just for you” pack sizes with special offers as well. 【答案】ones 【解析】考查代词。句意:谁知道呢,也许一些更有远见的人可能还会推出一系列“只为你”的包装尺寸,并提供特别优惠。代词one意为“一个人”,在some of后应用复数形式。故填ones。 2.(2024年全国甲卷语法填空)This area, with _____ (it) unique and breathtaking natural beauty, must be well preserved for all people of the nation to enjoy-as a national park. 【答案】its 【解析】考查代词。句意:这个地方,以其独特而令人惊叹的自然美景,必须被妥善保存供全国人民欣赏。这里“它们”用形容词性物主代词做定语修饰名词beauty。 3.(2023年全国甲卷改错)In that class, Miss Zhao, our biology teacher, showed we insects on stamps. 【答案】we→us 【解析】考查代词。句意:在那节课上,我们的生物老师赵老师给我们看了邮票上的昆虫。作动词show的宾语,应用宾格us。故we改为us。 4.(2023年全国乙卷改错)Last Friday my mom decided to color his hair. She studied with all the hair products at the drugstore. 【答案】 his → her 【解析】考查代词。句意:上周五,我妈妈决定染头发。此处指“我妈妈染她的头发”,应用代词her。故his改为her。 5.(2022年北京卷语法填空)Since people can’t always eat out or cook for _____ (they), they get takeout or order delivery. 【答案】themselves 【解析】考查反身代词。句意:因为人们不能总是在外面吃饭或者为他们自己做饭,所以他们叫外卖或者预定配送服务。空处在句中作介词for的宾语,当主语和宾语为同一物时,宾语要用反身代词。所以此处要用反身代词themselves。故填themselves。 2024年高考模拟真题 1.And in her twenties, it’s the 19th. They usually have (they) “real” birthday when they are below 20. 2. is now clear that they need conservation efforts. 3.Born in France, she returned from Paris with her father and devoted (they) to the cause of cultural heritage. 4.Eager to show their personalities to the world, young people find national identity a good way to distinguish (they) from others, and culture is the perfect medium to explain why young people are passionate about traditional culture. 5.China’s cargo spacecraft, Tianzhou-5, is ready for (it) launch, according to the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site, under the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, in China’s southern island province of Hainan. 6. takes more than three hours of driving on the mountain roads to get there, and the journey requires driving skills and courage. 7.Besides,almost every country has made a must that students learn English in colleges. 8.It can therefore be useful for people to learn and practice martial arts to be able to physically defend (they). 9.Yet the teenage dream seems to conflict with the experience of real life; when the same question was put to 18- and 19- year- olds, almost half of (they) replied that teenagers should not leave home before the age of 18. 10.However, the railway quickly proved to be a great success and within s ... ...

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