ID: 21499100

外研版(2019)选择性必修 第四册 Unit 2 Lessons in life同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:13次 大小:19019B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Lessons in life Starting out & Understanding ideas 根据提示写出单词,并选用合适的单词完成下列句子(每个单词限用一次)。 a. p_____ n. something that you own or have with you at a particular time b. p_____ adj. thinking that the worst thing will happen in every situation c. w_____ adj. existing or happening over a wide area or among many people d. a_____ v. to think that something will probably happen e. r_____ n. the act of accepting that something exists, is true or is official f. a_____ adj. different from what is usual or expected 1. There is a growing _____ that teachers deserve more respect for the work they do. 2. The _____ of large amounts of money does not ensure happiness. 3. Maybe I'm being overly _____, but I don't think this target can be achieved. 4. There's _____ agreement that life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. 5. We've tried to _____ the most likely problems, but it's impossible to be prepared for every occurrence. 6. Few employees appreciate being called in at the last minute to work _____ hours, but sometimes it is unavoidable. Using language I. 选用方框内合适的谚语并用其正确形式完成下列句子(每项限用一次)。 No pain, no gain. Better late than never. All's well that ends well. Two heads are better than one. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 1. When I felt I couldn't do any more push-ups, my coach said to me, “ _____” 2. _____ I want everyone to get into pairs and come up with a solution. 3. I hear you are quitting a high-paying job to focus on music before you learn to play. _____ 4. _____ After overcoming these challenges, we are proud of the work done and with immense joy. 5. —Lisa's birthday was two weeks ago. Should I send her a card now —_____ 6. —I've just got one more simple assignment, but I think I'll wait until Sunday to do it. —You'll enjoy your weekend more if you do it now. _____ II. 选用括号内合适的内容完成下面短文。 Michael Son, 80, lives in Essex, England, and has driven London's common black taxi since 1965. His encounter with passenger Dan Barker went viral (走红) on social media recently. In Barker's memory, Son said it was his last-ever ride as a taxi driver, and he was following the tradition that drivers give their first and last ride for free, so Barker wouldn't 1. _____ (charge, be charged). Barker said he 2. _____ (moved, was moved) by Son's words. Before getting out, he grabbed a photo of Son. Later his experience 3. _____ (shared, was shared) on the Internet, which attracted the attention of the public. Barker's post 4. _____ (received, was received) more than 3.4 million views. Both Barker and Son were surprised at how a simple, nice interaction 5. _____ (gained, was gained) so much attention. Developing ideas & Presenting ideas I. 选用方框内合适的内容并用其正确形式完成下列句子(每项限用一次)。 pure, luxury, a troop of, burst out laughing 1. _____ to me is not about buying expensive things. It's about livi ... ...

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