ID: 21506628

专题04 阅读理解试卷(含答案)--期中专项复习 九年级英语上学期 仁爱科普版

日期:2024-10-19 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:17次 大小:618239B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 专题04 阅读理解 试卷(含答案)--期中专项复习 九年级英语上学期 仁爱科普版 In some places around the world, the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day. In Britain, Australia, Canada and other places, Boxing Day is a national holiday. There are several thoughts on how the holiday became known as Boxing Day. The most widely held understanding of the origins (起源) of Boxing Day comes from a tradition among rich people. They would give a “Christmas Box” to their servants and other workers. The box would have money and gifts. The AP story says the start of Boxing Day may even date back to the times of the Romans. Roman invaders (入侵者) brought the practice to Britain. The tradition was then taken up by churches (教堂). Churches would put boxes outside their doors to collect money for the poor. Boxing Day is still celebrated today in many countries around the world. However, the United States is not one of them. But the Christmas holiday, which takes place the day before, is often filled with boxes. Boxes are useful for storing (储存) all kinds of things—especially gifts! It is fun to shake a gift box and try to guess what is inside. But an empty box can be just as much fun. Just ask any child...or any cat, for that matter. An empty box can lead to imaginative play. It can become anything! It can be a secret house in the forest or a boat on the open sea. That’s because children are masters at “thinking outside the box”. Someone who thinks outside the box is not controlled by rules or tradition. Instead, he or she always thinks about ideas and considers solutions that are creative and unusual. These are something about Boxing Day. Though plenty of families and businesses still celebrate Boxing Day by helping the less lucky, Boxing Day is now also celebrated with friends and family. 1.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2 A.How Boxing Day became popular. B.How rich people celebrate Boxing Day. C.It introduces some origins of Boxing Day. D.It talks about the tradition of Boxing Day. 2.What does “thinking outside the box” in Paragraph 4 mean according to the passage A.A boat on the open sea. B.A secret house in the forest. C.Being controlled by rules or tradition. D.Trying to find out creative solutions. 3.What can we know from the passage A.Boxing Day is still celebrated in America. B.Children aren’t interested in any empty box. C.The origin of Boxing Day comes from poor people. D.You can also celebrate Boxing Day with your friends and family. 4.Which of the following best shows the structure (结构) of the passage A.①/②③④⑤ B.①②③④/⑤ C.①/②③④/⑤ D.①②/③/④⑤ 5.What would be the best title for the passage A.Gifts on Boxing Day B.Boxing Day—a national holiday C.How to celebrate Boxing Day D.The origins of Boxing Day International Father’s Day is an important day in the modern countries, Many people around the world celebrate Father’s Day, Their celebrations may be different. Sur ... ...

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