ID: 21524347

人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Listening and Speaking教学设计

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:41次 大小:93205B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit1 Listening and Speaking 课时内容 Talk about festival activities 主题语境:人与社会 主题群:历史、社会与文化 子主题:节日与庆典 语篇类型:听力、图片、文字 文本分析:听力文本由三段对话组成:第一段对话是一段采访,一位外国记者正在采访刚参加完“成人礼”仪式的日本年轻女性,询问她的感受以及随后的庆祝活动;第二段对话是两个好朋友之间的聊天,中国女孩Li Mei 第一次体验里约狂欢节,她的外国朋友Carla为她提供着装建议;第三段对话是中国导游向外国游客介绍中国人的元宵节习俗。 课时目标 学完本课后,学生能够: 1.通过观察节日图片,对相关节日进行简单描述; 2.通过听前预测的微技能,在听的过程中更好地提取和整合信息,推测对话中人物的关系,归纳各节日的重要活动; 3.运用符合人物关系的语言,在与同伴的交流中,分析与评价三个节日; 4.通过对语音同化现象的学习,了解语音同化规律,并在表达中自觉运用。 重点难点 重点:帮助学生掌握通过听来判断人物关系的听力技巧,提取和整合信息,归纳三个节日的重要活动。 难点:依据整合的信息进行表达,描述节日的重要活动与意义,分享个人观点。 教学准备 教师准备:里约狂欢节的视频等。 学生准备:预习本节课的新词汇和内容。 精彩课堂 Step I 学习理解 活动一:感知与注意 1.Listen and guess. Ask students to listen to some music and guess the names of the festivals. 2.Brainstorm. Ask students to do a brainstorm according to the months. 3.Discuss. (Opening Page) (1)Ask students to read the quote. Then have them answer the questions. ·Do you know the name of this poem in Chinese ·Can you recite the whole poem in Chinese (2)Ask students to look at the photo. Then have them discuss the following questions. ·What can you see in the photo ·What is the name of this festival ·How do you celebrate it 4. Enjoy and discuss. Before listening, show students the photos in Activity 1 and ask them to discuss the questions in groups. ·In which country do you think people usually celebrate each festival ·How do people celebrate the festivals 【设计意图】通过节日音乐和三张关于中国元宵节、日本“成人节”、里约狂欢节的照片,以及对单元开篇页内容的解读,使学生多感官参与学习活动,大大提高学习效率。 活动二:归纳与概括 1.Read and match. Let students read the three passages below and guess the names of the three festivals in Activity 1. Then ask them to choose the right answers. ①It takes place on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar. It is as important as the Chinese New Year because on that night, the moon is full,symbolising reunion. On this day, people display traditional paper lanterns and solve riddles. As it is a popular festival for Chinese people around the world, it is celebrated in many different countries as well. ②It refers to the time when a person makes the transition from childhood into adulthood. It takes place on the second Monday in January. Everyone who has turned 20 in the last year is formally recognised as an adult. Many young people dress up for the occasion. Young men wear formal suits and ties and young ladies usually wear kimonos. It is also a day when new adults express their gratitude towards their parents. ③It is considered as one of ... ...

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