ID: 21541279

人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music课时优化训练(共4份,含答案)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:90次 大小:87602B 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 5 Music Listening and Speaking—高一英语人教版(2019)必修第二册课时优化训练 一、阅读理解 1.Magical melodies from the Beatles There has been plenty to celebrate this October. Not only has it been half a century since the first James Bond movie hit cinemas, but it has also been five decades since the Beatles released their first single Love Me Do. On Oct 5, 1962, a new song filled Britain's airwaves. It was raw, simple and direct. "Love, love me do," sang the Beatles, "You know I love you." Love Me Do is the Beatles' debut single and it marked the introduction of a new culture to the UK, a country struggling through post-war poverty. Inspired by the US rock pioneers, the band stood out with their mop-top haircuts and daring style. They did so in a time when young people had no say in their own lives, wrote Martin Lewis, writer and producer of a number of Beatles-related projects. The band made rebellion constructive with their passionate joyful music. The mirror journalist Stuart Maconie wrote: "They were the sound of a new young Britain, confident, classless and dynamic. You knew from the rough, charming directness of this music that these were lads who spoke for a coming generation. Fifty years later, their memorable melodies are still deeply rooted in mcxiem popular culture. Today the Beatles' golden songs are as dynamic and fresh as ever and continue to interest new generations. So why have the Beatles' songs stood the test of time The answer lies in the music. They are "a mirror of the 1960s"; many of the songs centre on the lost innocence of youth, which always strikes a chord(引起共鸣) with each succeeding generation. The BBC website also notes that "There is something eerie, fated, cosmic about the Beatles—those seven quick years of fame and then decades of aftershock." The legacy of their music is still felt today; their cheerful melodies ripple through adverts, TV talent shows and modern pop music in general. (1).Which of the following is true about the Beatles according to the article A.Their songs mainly appeal to young audiences. B.They bravely express the ideas of young people. C.Their songs describe the life of British people living in poverty after World War Ⅱ. D.Their songs were not so well received at first because they encouraged youth rebellion. (2).The music of the Beatles can be described as _____ according to the article. and daring B.quick and passionate C.sad and rebellious D.joyful and traditional (3).The Beatles' songs have stood the test of time mainly because _____. A.their melodies are easy to remember B.they provide a solution to many problems in modern civilization C.they focus on the theme of "vanished youth" in a striking style D.young people still don't have much to say in their own lives (4).What is the main point of the article A.An introduction to major cultural events in Britain this October. B.To explore the Beatles' legacy and the secret to their long-lasting popularity. C.What made the Bea ... ...

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