ID: 21543253


日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:62次 大小:4452855B 来源:二一课件通
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江门市 2025届普通高中高三调研测试(英语)参考答案 简版(2024-10-23) 一、阅读理解 21-23 BAB 24-27 DDDA 28-31 CABC 32-35:BDCA 36-40. CEGAF 二、完形填空 41-45. ACACB 46-50. DBADD 51-55. BCBCD 三、语法填空 56. and/as 57.which 58.located 59.stands 60.largest 62.cultural 63.including 65.a 四、写作 基础写作 Version 1 Dear Kim, I hope my email finds you well. I want to share an amazing experience I had last week. Students from our school’s sister school in the UK came to our school for exchange and learning. We had a Chinese calligraphy class together with my classmates. In the class, the teacher introduced the history and charm of Chinese calligraphy. We all tried our hands at writing with brushes. The UK students were fascinated by the unique art form. I felt very proud of our traditional culture. It was wonderful to see people from different countries appreciating Chinese calligraphy. This experience also made me realize the importance of cultural exchanges in promoting understanding between different nations. Yours, Li Hua Version 2 Dear Kim, I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to share an interesting experience from last week’s Chinese calligraphy class, which was attended by students from our sister school in the UK. In the class, we learned the basics of Chinese calligraphy, including the correct way to hold the brush, the importance of stroke order, and the art of creating beautiful characters. We also had the opportunity to practice writing some basic phrases ourselves. I found the experience incredibly rewarding. Not only did I learn more about this traditional art form, but I also enjoyed the opportunity to bond with the visiting students and share our cultural heritage. Looking forward to such an opportunity to experience Chinese calligraphy with you some day. Best regards, Li Hua 读后续写 Version 1 I looked up, and a girl I never saw before was standing with her lunch plate. I was a bit surprised but quickly shook my head. She put her lunch plate on the table, plopped her backpack on the floor, and sat down across from me. “I’m Summer,” she said. I introduced myself nervously. She didn’t seem to notice my cleft palate or care about the stares. We started chatting about our classes and hobbies. Soon, the uncomfortable stares and whispers didn’t matter anymore as I found a new friend. At the end of lunch, Summer and I decided to have lunch together the next day. As we walked out of the cafeteria, I felt a sense of relief and happiness. I realized that middle school might not be as hard as I thought. With Summer by my side, I was looking forward to more days of friendship and fun. Looking back, I realize that it wasn't just Summer who changed my life that day; it was the courage to reach out and make new connections that made all the difference. Version 2 I looked up, and a girl I never saw before was standing with her lunch plate. Surprised, I stammered, “N-no, it’s not taken.” She sat down with a smile ... ...

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