ID: 21547693


日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:59次 大小:5222543B 来源:二一课件通
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    英语答案 1.A【原文】W: Brock, I saw an advertisement on TV just now, saying that a new food court will open this Saturday. It’s on Central Street near our apartment. Why don’t we get around and dine there M: Well, I think it will be crowded then. Besides, I need to visit my friend on that day. But we can make it on Sunday. W: Sure. 2.C【原文】M: What should we do this weekend Shall we go for a swim W: That’s a good idea. I’ll pick you up in my car at eleven o’clock. 3.C【原文】W: Darling, did you hear that the library burned down the day before yesterday I passed by it on my way to work yesterday and the smoke was still going. M: What I was there just one week ago doing a project. 4.B【原文】W: Excuse me, how much are the apples M: They are $6 a kilo. W: What They cost twice as much as those in my town. 5.C【原文】W: Bob, where are you We’ve been waiting for you for 30 minutes. It’s so hot today! M: Sorry. I left my camera at home, so I went back. I am at the bus stop now. W: Hurry up. 6.C 7.C【原文】W: John, look at this. They’ve got dresses on sale, only fifty dollars each. They’ve really good quality too. Here, feel this. M: HM, it feels soft I suppose I don’t know if it’s worth fifty dollars though. W: Let me look in the mirror. What do you think M: Well, that looks a bit small for you, Mary. M: Yeah, I does a bit. Funny I’ve always been the size. M: You must have put on some weight. 8.A 9.B【原文】W: Wow, this is fantastic! M: So no more regret now W: Don’t remind me of that. This would be the last time I cut my classes for a basketball game. M: Come on. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Enjoy your life. W: I just can’t help it. Oh, look at Clive, he is really a big hit. They are definitely going to win. M: It’s only seven minutes into the game. Too early to cheer up. W: Come on, 10 points already. They are never going to catch up. M: Who knows! Look! That is a really nice shot! 10.A 11.C 12.A 【原文】W: Sorry, Jim, I won’t be able to make it to the dinner tomorrow night. I’ll be busy volunteering at the library during that time. M: That’s interesting, Carol. Most people I know volunteer by collecting garbage or something. What do you do at the library when you volunteer Are they short on employees who put away books W: Nothing like that. I just read the children’s books and act out some of the stories. For them, it’s very fun and it doesn’t take long. Maybe one or two hours. M: How often do you do that W: I do it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week. You should come help me with it one time. M: That sounds like fun. Can I pick the stories I want to read I hate to try and act out a story I never read. M: You can read any book, as long as it’s on the library’s list. 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.C 【原文】W: Where are you going with that car load of things M: I’m off to the recycling center in town, near the train station. W: It’s a lot of trouble, isn’t it Sorting out your rubbish and putting it into the diff ... ...

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