
Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party?Lesson 17 教案

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:44次 大小:11744Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party? Lesson 17 教案 1教学目标 1、知识与能力目标: 学会用英语招待朋友,并能熟练应用Welcome to my birthday party. Here’s a teddy bear for you. Here are some chocolates for you. 2、过程与方法: 在师生、生生互动的活动中实现听、说、读、写的练习,立体化渗透,引导学生感悟,理解,表达。 3、情感,态度与价值观目标: 培养学生礼貌待人、热情好客的品质。在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识及团结友爱的积极情感。通过中西方文化的对比,让学生了解英语国家的孩子们过生日的活动和习惯,以及中国人们过生日的习俗。 2学情分析 六年级的孩子们已经能理解生日的含义,并且懂得感恩。通过这节课的学习让孩子们更加关爱彼此,给彼此开生日聚会拉近了距离,现场会很热闹。 3重点难点 Welcome to my birthday party. Here’s a teddy bear for you. Here are some chocolates for you. 4教学过程 活动1【导入】Birthday party! T: Hello, everyone. Before the class let’s play a guessing game. I have a riddle. Please look here. My first letter is in boy, but isn’t in girl. My second and third letters are in girl and also in bird. My fourth and fifth letters are in brother, but aren’t in sister. My last three letters are in yesterday and today, but aren’t in tomorrow. When I come, people feel very happy. Who am I Ss: Is it birthday T: Yes! So clever! T: My birthday is on January 1st. What about you Ss: My birthday is on … T: I’m 35 years old. How about you Ss: I’m … T: Who do you want to invite to your birthday party Ss:… T: Would you like to come to your friend’s birthday party Ss:… 活动2【讲授】Birthday party! T: Let’s talk about the “birthday”. Today is Lisa’s birthday. Her friends come to her home to have a party for her. Let’s go and see, OK Ss: OK. T: Now open your books and listen to the tape. T: Then I have two questions. Please read the text and think over the questions. 1、Why does Lisa feel very happy 2、How do they celebrate the birthday Ss:… Ss: light the candles sing the birthday song make a wish blow out the candles cut the cake T: Good! T: Please read after me. Then write them on your workbook. T: Do you have any questions about the text T: OK. But I have two. Here’s a teddy bear for you! Here are some … for you! Ss:… T: Where’s the difference Ss:… T: Please make a sentence. Ss: Here’s a book for you. Here are some fruits for you. … 活动3【活动】Birthday party! Group work: If today is your leader's birthday. Please have a party for him/her in your group. Then act it out. 活动4【作业】Birthday party! Please have a birthday party for your parents or grandparents, and sing songs for them. Then talk about it with your friends. I have a secret, your class teacher’s birthday is coming. You can have a birthday party for her. Give her a surprise. If you want to know, please email me. ... ...

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