

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:27次 大小:20027Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com 初中八年级英语抽考试题 说明:班级 姓名一律写在最左侧居中的位置上。 时间:90分钟 分数:120分。 一、单项选择(20分) ( )1—I broke my new pen yesterday. — A.What a shame! B.Not at all. C.That’s right. D.You’re welcome. ( )2.Our school will play No.4 Middle school .I think we’ll win.Please cheer us A.with,on B.against,on C.against ,up D.on,against ( )3.Michael Phelps is active young man from the U.S.A A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )4.—Would you mind the room —Certainly not.I’ll do it right away. A.clean B.cleaned C.cleaning D.to clean ( )5.It’s too late.Don’t keep him for you so long. A.Wait B.waits C.to wait D.waiting ( )6.—I think you wil do next time. —I think so. A.Good B.better C.best D.the best ( )7.—I’m sorry for I said. —It does’t matter. A.how B.which C.what D.where ( )8.—Do you like playing football? —Yes.And young people are good at playing football. A.many and many B.much and much C.little and little D.more and more ( )9.—I’m sorry I broke your pen.Let me buy you a new one. — .I have another one. A.Never mind. B.You’re welcome. C.Thanks. D.OK. ( )10.—Hi, I’m Xiao Li. I’m very glad to friends you. —Me, too. I’m Xiao Wang. A.get;like B.make;with C.get;with D.make;to ( )11.Our school will hold a sports meet next week.I’d like to take part in the girls’ _____ race. A.200-meter B.200 meters C.200-meters D.200 meter ( )12.—Tom in the high jump at the school sports meet last week. —What a shame! A.do badly B.did well C.do bad D.did badly ( )13.One of my_____fell ill.Would you like to join us A.classmates B.classmate C.class D.classes ( )14.—I’m sure our class will win the relay race in the school sports meet. —_____. A.I hope so. B.I don’t think. C.I’d love to. D.That’s right. ( )15.—Shall we meet at six o’clock —We had better meet a little late.Let’s_____seven o’clock. A.to make it at B.to make it C.make it at D.make it ( )16.—What are you going to when you grow up —I’m going to be a singer. A.do B.does C.is D.be ( )17.There is going to a football game next week. A.has B.have C.is D.be ( )18.—Bruce ,do you ski —No,seldom A.many B.much C.more D.most ( 2)19.—Would you like to come and cheer Jim on — A.Yes,I will. B.Yes,I would. C.Sure,I’d love to D.Yes,I do. ( )20.—You look .Can you tell me why you are so happy —Sure.I saw an movie just now.It have great fun. A.excite;exciting B.excited;excite C.exciting;excited D.excited;exciting 二 、完形填空。(10分) I like doing exercise very much.I think sports and games are good 1___our health. They can 2__ us strong,stop us from getting __3___ fat,and help us keep__4___and happy .What’s more ,they can help people who work with their brains (大脑) most of the day work __5__ ,becauce sports and games can _6__their body. Sports make our life richer and more colorful.If we__7__have a strong body , we can not do things __8___.So people of all ages enjoy __9___and taking part in __10__kinds of sports—track and fie ... ...

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