
四年级英语上册教案module10 unit2(外研版)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:19次 大小:10920Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com Unit 2 There are twelve months in a year. I. Warmer. 1.On the board write the following incomplete words. _uly _ugust _eptember _ctober _ovember _ecember 2.Tell teh aa to look in their books.They will see the complete words. 3.Explain that you are going to call out the months and the ss have to say which letter is missing. Examples. T:December. Ss:D. T:October. Ss:O. 4.This will give the ss lots of exposure to the months and also help them with spelling. 5.If you wish,you can get the ss to do the same exercise in pairs. II. Listen and say,then sing. 1.Divide the class into 12groups. 2.Give each group a month from January to December. 3.Tell them to write down the name of their month on a large piece of paper(each member of the group should have a piece of paper.). 4.Tell the ss that they are going to sing the song.and that each group should shout out their month in the song. 5.All the ss sing the first line and the last line of the song.Each group shout out their month and holds up their piece of paper with the month written on it. III. Listen and say,then chant. 1.Divide the class into three groups. 2.Each group has one part to chant. 3.When they ask the question(at the end of the first and second parts),they should point at the next group who are going to chant.(i.e.,they should direct the song to them). 4.Get them to mime actions.For "go to school"the ss can mime walking and for "fly kite' they can mime flying a kite and for "It's festival time"they can wave their hands and jump up and down. Teaching tip Remember it really helps memory to have mimes and flashcards to use when singing songs or chants.Try to make the songs and chants as active as possible. 21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@21世纪教育网

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